Private Pilots (FAR Part 61 Subpart E) - eCFR
This subpart prescribes the requirements for the issuance of private pilot certificates and ratings, the conditions under which those certificates and ratings are necessary, and the general …
eCFR :: 14 CFR 61.113 -- Private pilot privileges and limitations ...
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) through (h) of this section, no person who holds a private pilot certificate may act as pilot in command of an aircraft that is carrying passengers or …
eCFR :: 14 CFR 61.109 -- Aeronautical experience. (FAR 61.109)
Except as provided in paragraph (k) of this section, a person who applies for a private pilot certificate with an airplane category and single-engine class rating must log at least 40 hours …
14 CFR § 61.113 - LII / Legal Information Institute
(i) A private pilot may act as pilot in command or serve as a required flightcrew member of an aircraft without holding a medical certificate issued under part 67 of this chapter provided the …
14 CFR Subpart E - Subpart E—Private Pilots - LII / Legal …
§ 61.117 Private pilot privileges and limitations: Second in command of aircraft requiring more than one pilot.
This advisory circular (AC) provides guidance for pilot and instructor applicants, pilots, flight instructors, ground instructors, and examiners on the certification standards, knowledge test …
Basic Private Pilot FARs — CFI Steph
Whenever acting as a required pilot flight crew member of a civil aircraft in the United States, you must physically possess and have readily accessible, your pilot certificate, a government …
Private Pilot Study Resources : r/flying - Reddit
2020年7月8日 · You can also get digital copies of these books from the FAA for free: PHAK and AFH This reddit comment on what sections to "Memorize", "Understand", and "Look Up" in the …
私人飛行執照 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
私人飛行執照 (英語: Private Pilot Licence,簡稱PPL,美國稱之爲Private Pilot Certificate)是一種執照,持有人可以以 機長 身份、不受僱用的形式駕駛私人 航空器 進行飛行活動。 由該 …
FAR/AIM: § 61.113 Private pilot privileges and limitations: Pilot in ...
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) through (h) of this section, no person who holds a private pilot certificate may act as pilot in command of an aircraft that is carrying passengers or …