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پوهنتون فاریاب یگانه نهاد تحصیلی دولتی در ولایت فاریاب است که با داشتن هشت پوهنحی، 363 تن استادان و کارمندان اداری و خدماتی در راستای حفظ ارزش های اسلامی، پالیسی امارت اسلامی افغانستان و نهادینه نمودن کیفیت عالی تدریسی و آموزشی و تأمین عدالت اجتماعی تلاش می نماید. …
Faryab Province - Wikipedia
Faryab (Dari,Pashto : فاریاب) is one of the thirty-four provinces of Afghanistan, which is located in the north of the country bordering neighboring Turkmenistan. It has a population of about 1,109,223, [4] which is multi-ethnic and mostly a tribal society. [5] The province encompasses 15 districts and over 1,000 villages.
Farah, Afghanistan - Wikipedia
Farah (Farāh, Pashto/Dari: فراه) is the capital and largest city of Farah Province in western Afghanistan. It is located on the Farah River, close to the border with Iran. It is one of the largest cities of western Afghanistan in terms of population, with about 1.5 million people living in its urban area. Farah Mubarak Is The Place Where ...
Regional Command West | Institute for the Study of War
Regional Command West (RC West) comprises four provinces: Herat, Farah, Badghis and Ghor. The population of RC West is 3,156,000 people. 1 RC West borders Iran and is slightly larger than the state of Georgia, with an area of 160,319 square kilometers (61899 sq. miles).
Farāh | Farah City, Province, River | Britannica
Farāh, town, southwestern Afghanistan, on the Farāh River. Usually identified with the ancient town of Phrada, it was once a centre of agriculture and commerce until destroyed by the Mongols in 1221; it later revived but was sacked in 1837 by the Persians.
Parsian Farab
پست الکترونیکی: [email protected]; تلفن تماس:88229483-021 ، 88229586 -021; فکس: 88337146-021; آدرس دفتر تهران: تهران ، کردستان جنوب، بلوار آزادگان، خیابان 21 شرقی، پلاک 2، طبقه 2، واحد 6
PRT Farah transfers Forward Operating Base Farah to Afghanistan
2013年10月27日 · FOB FARAH, Afghanistan - Today members from Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) Farah, Italian led Transition Support Unit South (TSU South), Regional Command West (RC West) and local Afghan...
阿里·法拉比哈萨克国立大学 - 百度百科
阿里·法拉比哈萨克国立大学(Al-Farabi Kazakh National University),又译哈萨克国立大学,简称法拉比大学(Farabi University),位于哈萨克斯坦第一大城市阿拉木图,以著名哲学家和学者阿里·法拉比的名字命名,是该国的最高学府,1933年10月13日由当时的哈萨克斯坦地区委员会组织成立。 1934年1月15日开始正式开放。
Farah (2): Empty Spaces Beyond the Road - Afghanistan Analysts
2012年4月20日 · AAN’s Fabrizio Foschini looks at the threat that insurgents pose to communication routes and at the successes and shortcomings of security arrangements in the districts, complicated by poppy crops, social divides and the …
Kepimpinan Dari Lensa Al-Farabi - Lestari Hikmah
2020年3月28日 · Malah, boleh juga jadi Faryab di Greater Khorasan (Afghanistan hari ini). Dalam dunia Falsafah Islam, beliau dikenali sebagai Muallim Ath-Thani atau “The Second Teacher” kerana beliau antara yang bertanggungjawab memulihara teks asli, mengkaji dan menyebarkan semula idea-idea falsafah Yunani Kuno seperti “ The First Teacher” iaitu ...