GitHub - XiaoxiaoGuo/fashion-iq
Fashion IQ is a dataset we contribute to the research community to facilitate research on natural language based interactive image retrieval. We released Fashion IQ dataset at ICCV 2019 workshop on Linguistics Meets Image and Video Retrieval.
Papers with Code - Fashion IQ Dataset
Fashion IQ is the first fashion dataset to provide human-generated captions that distinguish similar pairs of garment images together with side-information consisting of real-world product descriptions and derived visual attribute labels for these images.
[1905.12794] Fashion IQ: A New Dataset Towards Retrieving …
2019年5月30日 · Fashion IQ is the first fashion dataset to provide human-generated captions that distinguish similar pairs of garment images together with side-information consisting of real-world product descriptions and derived visual attribute labels for these images.
Fashion IQ: A New Dataset Towards Retrieving Images by Natural Language ...
In this paper, we introduce the Fashion IQ dataset to support and advance research on interactive fashion image retrieval. Fashion IQ is the first fashion dataset to provide human-generated captions that distinguish similar pairs of garment images together with side-information consisting of real-world product descriptions and derived visual ...
2024年11月5日 · FashionIQ数据集由麻省理工学院(MIT)的研究团队于2019年推出,旨在通过结合图像和自然语言处理技术,解决时尚推荐系统中的复杂问题。 该数据集包含了大量时尚商品的图像及其对应的描述文本,通过这些数据,研究者们可以训练模型以理解用户对时尚商品的个性化需求。 FashionIQ的推出,不仅推动了时尚推荐系统的发展,也为跨模态数据处理提供了新的研究方向。 FashionIQ数据集在构建过程中面临了多重挑战。 首先,图像与文本之间的语义对齐问题 …
Fashion IQ|时尚图像检索数据集|对话式人工智能数据集
2019年5月30日 · Fashion IQ是由麻省理工学院-IBM沃森人工智能实验室创建的一个新型数据集,专注于交互式时尚图像检索。 该数据集首次包含了人类生成的相对标题,这些标题区分了相似的服装图像对,并附带了真实世界的产品描述和视觉属性标签。
Interaction System(2):Fashion IQ: A New Dataset Towards …
2021年12月9日 · 本文提供了对 Fashion IQ 数据特征的详细分析,并提出了基于Transformer的用户模拟器和交互式图像检索器,可以将视觉属性与图像特征、用户反馈和对话历史无缝集成,从而提高了最先进的性能在基于对话的图像检索中。
Fashion IQ 2020 - Google Sites
Interactive image retrieval systems have been intensely studied in computer vision, with wide application domains such as Internet search, e-commerce and surveillance. Existing systems demonstrated...
Fashion IQ: A New Dataset Towards - ar5iv
2024年3月17日 · Fashion IQ is the first fashion dataset to provide human-generated captions that distinguish similar pairs of garment images together with side-information consisting of real-world product descriptions and derived visual attribute labels for these images.
(PDF) Fashion IQ: A New Dataset Towards Retrieving Images by …
2021年6月1日 · Fashion IQ is the first fashion dataset to provide human-generated captions that distinguish similar pairs of garment images together with side-information consisting of real-world...