Intramyocellular lipids - Wikipedia
Intramyocellular lipids (or IMCL) are fats stored in droplets in muscle cells. They provide an important energy source for working muscle.
Itaconate in host inflammation and defense - ScienceDirect
2024年7月1日 · McFadden and colleagues discovered in the 1970s that ITA inhibits isocitrate lyase (ICL) [25., 26., 27., 28.]. The ICL enzyme is expressed in archaea, bacteria, protists, plants, and fungi, but not in animals, except Caenorhabditis elegans, and participates in the glyoxylate cycle, also known as the glyoxylate shunt [26, 27, 29, 30].
Influence of muscle fiber type composition on early fat ... - PLOS
2017年8月1日 · EMCL increased greatly in both muscle types after high fat diet. IMCL in TA and lumbar muscles increased to a much lower extent, with a slightly greater increase in TA muscles. EMCLs in the 2 muscles were positively correlated (r = 0.84, p = 0.01), but IMCLs showed a negative relationship (r = -0.84, p = 0.01).
What We Talk About When We Talk About Fat - Cell Press
Cross-talk between fat cells and their environment is typically mediated in three ways: nutritional mechanisms, neural pathways, and via the elaboration of autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine agents, collectively termed adipokines.
Correlation of isocitrate lyase activity and riboflavin formation in ...
This suggested synthesis of vitamin B 2 from the intracellular reserve fat. ICL specific activity correlated with the enzyme concentration detected by specific antibodies. Itaconate, an efficient inhibitor of ICL, was used as an antimetabolite to screen mutants with enhanced ICL activity.
Correlation of isocitrate lyase activity and riboflavin formation in ...
1996年2月1日 · ICL activity appeared in parallel and reached a maximum of 0.41 U (mg protein)-1. This suggested synthesis of vitamin B 2 from the intracellular reserve fat. ICL specific activity correlated with the enzyme concentration detected by specific antibodies.
FAT FLUX: enzymes, regulators, and pathophysiology of
Beginning with his groundbreaking discovery of fat digestion (later termed "lipolysis") in 1848, research addressing the basic processes of cellular storage and mobilization of fat has steadily advanced. Even after 150 years of research dedicated to lipolysis, exciting new principles have continued to emerge in the last 10 years.
The Fanconi anemia pathway and ICL repair: implications for …
While the precise role of the FA pathway in ICL repair remains elusive, increasing evidence suggests that FA proteins function at different steps in the sensing, recognition and processing of ICLs, as well as in signaling from these very toxic lesions, which can be generated by a wide variety of cancer chemotherapeutic drugs.
Estimation of Iodine Value of Fats and Oils
There are different methods for checking the unsaturation level in fatty acids, one among them is by determining the iodine value of fats. Iodine value or number is the number of grams of iodine consumed by 100g of fat. A higher iodine value indicates a higher degree of unsaturation.
Solved A 0.200-g fat was reacted with excess ICl The - Chegg
Question: A 0.200-g fat was reacted with excess ICl The remaining ICl was reacted with KI to form I2 and the iodine formed was titrated against a 0.100-N Na2S2O3 and consumed 43.5-mL of the titrant. A blank analysis was performed, and 65.0-mL of the titrant was used. Calculate the iodine number of the fat.