Orbital Drop Shock Troopers - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
The Orbital Drop Shock Troopers (ODST), informally referred to as Helljumpers, are an elite special operations component of the UNSC Marine Corps and the Corps' rapid reaction force specialized in transorbital support interdiction tactics.
Jonas - Halo Alpha | Fandom
Jonas was a human butcher in Old Mombasa, Kenya in 2552. He was a large man, and was extremely calm and friendly. During the Covenant invasion on Earth, he was calmly giving away his kebabs to the crowd escaping from the city.
地狱伞兵(ODST,Orbital Drop Shock Troopers), UNSC 陆战队中的精锐部队,因为他们的体格是人类中比较强壮的。 而且地狱伞兵们受过严格的训练,他们能乘坐攻击舱从宇宙中降落到地面。 因为中途会与大气层摩擦,产生常人无法忍受的高温,而且最后还会因撞击地面而震荡,所以大多数普通人是会直接死亡。 而地狱伞兵却靠这一点出名,他们都从天而降,进行突击任务。 但是,地狱伞兵再厉害,他们也是普普通通人类,所以还有本身的极限。 而 斯巴达战士 经过改 …
行星轨道空降突击队(ODST)是UNSC海军陆战队的一个特殊作战单位。 作为UNSC最早的一批特种部队,ODST受海军特种作战指挥部指挥。 这个机构的总部位于一座火星上的城市–塔娜尼斯,科诺沙。 在星球被星盟玻璃化前,他们的早期训练设施位于致远星。 角色. "我们接受了一单该死的艰难的活计,但我们绝对比其他任何人都做得好。 –斯巴达爱德华·巴克,前ODST成员. 作为UNSC海军陆战队的一支精英部队,行星轨道空降突击队以他们部署的特殊方式著称–"大气层 …
What's the deal with Jonas the kebab guy from ODST? : r/HaloStory - Reddit
Thematically, if you follow the Divine Comedy references peppered throughout ODST, he may represent one of the seven deadly sins that Sadie, guided by a digital Virgil, encounters - that of gluttony. We encounter quite a few. Lust - Kinsler, the would-be rapist. Gluttony - Jonas, the fat man handing out food during a battle.
Are ODSTs slightly augmented or just very intensly trained?
2021年7月24日 · [Halo] Do our good men and women fighting as ODST regiment receive any physical augmentations similar to those of the fabled Spartans, or do they solely rely on their training? upvotes · comments
A comparison of heights using the MCC customization [OC] - Reddit
2020年9月24日 · I looked up swat gear weight (50-60lbs), and added about 10 pounds since ODST gear looks pretty heavy. Used ~200 pounds as a base weight at 6 feet since that seems to be standard for soldier or marine.
Halo TMCC: Halo 3: Odst Xbox One Fat vs Xbox Series X …
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HALO 3 ODST - SSD XBOX ONE FAT - #LIVEROXINHA2 Comentamos no decorrer da live sobre o PS5 Pro e Xbox Series Super. Consoles que serão lançados até 2024, seg...
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2009年9月29日 · ODST sees the Bungie team revisit the Halo universe without the ‘constraints’ of having Master Chief as the central character. Instead, the player starts by controling the mute Rookie, a new ODST trooper who gets seperated from his platoon when they drop into the decimated ghost town New Mombasa which has been taken over by the Covenant.