Gilgamesh - TYPE-MOON Wiki
Gilgamesh (ギルガメッシュ, Girugamesshu?), Class Name Archer (アーチャー, Āchā?), is the Archer -class Servant of Tokiomi Tohsaka in the Fourth Holy Grail War of Fate/Zero. He later forms a new contract with Kirei Kotomine that lasts ten years later into the time of the Fifth Holy Grail War of Fate/stay night.
Gilgamesh - Fate/stay Night Wiki | Fandom
An Archer-class Servant. He appears familiar with Fuyuki City and has an overt but unrequited love for Saber. His true identity is GilGamesh, the King of Heroes. He is initially known also as the Golden Archer. In the anime, he defeats both Caster and Kuzuki. Saber initially states that...
吉尔伽美什,日本TYPE-MOON公司原作的《Fate》系列作品中的角色,其主要登场的作品有《Fate/stay night》、《Fate/Zero》、《Fate/EXTRA CCC》、《Fate/strange Fake》、《Fate/Grand Order》、《Fate/EXTELLA》以及《Fate/EXTELLA LINK》。
吉尔伽美什 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
吉尔伽美什 是 TYPE-MOON 旗下的《Fate系列》及其衍生作品中的登场角色,在游戏 《Fate/stay night》 首次登场。 以古苏美尔文明中世界上第一部传说史诗《吉尔伽美什史诗》的 同名男主角 为原型的型月人物。 注意:在型月设定中神话都是真实发生过的事情,许多内容与地球神话并不一致。 在Fate系列中曾多次被圣杯以Archer职阶召唤现界。 在FGO中为了讽刺 盖提亚 而以Caster的职阶现界。 也在Fate EXTRA/CCC中以特殊的Gilgamesh职阶出现。 按照本人的说法是除 …
Gilgamesh | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Gilgamesh is a playable supporting character and boss fight in the 2023 video game Fate/Samurai Remnant, the secondary antagonist of the 2006-2007 light novel series Fate/Zero and the 2004 visual novel Fate/stay night (serving as the secondary antagonist of the Fate route, the main antagonist of the Unlimited Blade Works route, and a minor ...
Gilgamesh (Nasuverse) | Power Scaling Wiki | Fandom
Gilgamesh is the strongest heroic spirit and king of heroes the first hero and origin of all heroes later on the antagonist of Fate/Stay Night. Gilgamesh (ギルガメッシュ, Girugamesshu) is the Archer-class Servant of Tokiomi Tohsaka during the Fourth Holy Grail War.
Gilgamesh (Fate) - Versus Compendium Wiki
Gilgamesh is a character from the visual novel "Fate/stay night", initially appearing as an antagonist. From there, Gilgamesh has made several other appearances all across the Fate/stay night multiverse, spanning various anime, games, and novels.
Gilgamesh (Fate/stay night) - MyAnimeList.net
Gilgamesh is the great half-god, half-human king born from the union between the King of Uruk, Lugalbanda, and goddess Rimat-Ninsun. He ruled the Sumerian city-state of Uruk, the capital city of ancient Mesopotamia in the B.C. era.
Gilgamesh - Character Profile Wikia | Fandom
Gilgamesh, also known as Archer,is the Archer-class Servant of Tokiomi Tohsaka in the Fourth Holy Grail War of Fate/Zero. He later forms a new contract with Kirei Kotomine that lasts ten years later into the time of the Fifth Holy Grail War of Fate/stay night. He has an obsession with Saber during both stories.
Gilgamesh (Fate/stay night) | The Ultimate Evil Wiki | Fandom
King Gilgamesh also known as the King of Heroes and the Wedge of Heaven is the secondary antagonist of the visual novel franchise Fate/stay night, serving as the main antagonist of Unlimited Blade Works. He was once the ancient King of Uruk, who upon his death, became the very first Heroic Spirit.
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