FBSNet: A Fast Bilateral Symmetrical Network for Real-Time …
2021年9月2日 · In this paper, we propose a Fast Bilateral Symmetrical Network (FBSNet) to alleviate the above challenges. Specifically, FBSNet employs a symmetrical encoder-decoder structure with two branches, semantic information branch and spatial detail branch.
GitHub - XU-GITHUB-curry/FBSNet: Real-time Semantic …
This repository is an official PyTorch implementation of our paper"FBSNet: A Fast Bilateral Symmetrical Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation". Accepted by IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA, 2022.
A novel Fast Bilateral Symmetrical Network (FBSNet) is presented for real-time image semantic segmentation. FBSNet is a symmetrical encoder-decoder structure, com-posed of a Semantic Information Branch (SIB) and a Spa-tial Detail Branch (SDB), which can effectively extract deep semantic information and preserve shallow bound-ary details ...
IVIPLab - GitHub
This repository is an official PyTorch implementation of our paper"FBSNet: A Fast Bilateral Symmetrical Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation". (TMM2022) Python 11 2
TMM22_FBSNet - GitHub Pages
The complete architecture of our proposed Fast Bilateral Symmetrical Network (FBSNet). Comparison of different residual modules. (a) SS-nbt module in LEDNet, (b) EAR module in MSCFNet, (c) Pyramid cascade module in ESPNet, and (d) is …
FBSNet:用于实时语义分割的快速双边对称网络,IEEE Transactions …
2022年3月9日 · 在本文中,我们提出了一种快速双边对称网络(FBSNet)来缓解上述挑战。 具体来说,FBSNet 采用对称的编码器-解码器结构,具有两个分支:语义信息分支和空间细节分支。
[PDF] FBSNet: A Fast Bilateral Symmetrical Network for Real-Time ...
2021年9月2日 · This article proposes a Fast Bilateral Symmetrical Network (FBSNet), a symmetrical encoder-decoder structure with two branches, semantic information branch and spatial detail branch that can strike a good balance between accuracy and efficiency.
FBSNet实时语义分割部署到服务器版本: 双显卡 ... - Gitee
This repository is an official PyTorch implementation of our paper"FBSNet: A Fast Bilateral Symmetrical Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation". Accepted by IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA, 2022.
[2109.00699] FBSNet: A Fast Bilateral Symmetrical Network for
A novel Fast Bilateral Symmetrical Network (FBSNet) is presented for real-time image semantic segmentation. FBSNet is a symmetrical encoder-decoder structure, composed of a Semantic Information Branch (SIB) and a Spatial Detail Branch (SDB), which can effectively extract deep semantic information and preserve shallow boundary details, respectively.
FBSNet: A Fast Bilateral Symmetrical Network for Real
2021年9月2日 · In this paper, we propose a Fast Bilateral Symmetrical Network (FBSNet) to alleviate the above challenges. Specifically, FBSNet employs a symmetrical encoder-decoder structure with two...