【Nature Reviews】综述: 进入新生儿Fc受体(FcRn)的治疗时代
FcRn 阻断还限制了类似 IgG 介导的 EAE 多发性硬化症(MG)模型中的视运动缺陷,减少了脊髓脱髓鞘,并特别改变了巨噬细胞对脊髓的浸润,而 B 细胞、T 细胞或补体沉积没有差异。
FcRN receptor antagonists in the management of myasthenia gravis
2023年8月23日 · FcRn receptor inhibitors demonstrate efficacy across diverse subgroups and a wide range of MG severity, supported by robust clinical evidence. Efgartigimod has been approved in the management of gMG, rozanolixizumab is under review by health authorities, and there are phase 3 trials ongoing for nipocalimab and batoclimab.
FcRn inhibitors: a novel option for the treatment of myasthenia …
In rodent models of MG, primary immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, and arthritis, anti-FcRn antibodies can effectively reduce plasma concentrations of pathogenic IgG and exert beneficial effects on disease symptoms (Smith et al., 2019; Kasprick et al., 2020 ...
Fc-Receptor Targeted Therapies for the Treatment of Myasthenia gravis
Therapeutic platforms targeting Fc-mediated functions through classical FcγRs and the non-classical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-related neonatal FcR (FcRn), which regulates IgG serum half-life, are currently being developed, tested in clinical trials or have been successfully translated into the clinic for the benefit of ...
免疫新突破:FcRn抑制剂为重症肌无力患者带来希望之光|单抗|抗 …
2024年10月23日 · FcRn抑制剂在MG治疗中展现出了良好的症状改善效果以及安全性,其中罗泽利昔珠单抗作为目前国际获批用于治疗MuSK阳性MG的药物,对MG多维度的评分均有快速、显著的改善效果,长期使用可持续稳定改善症状,在多个治疗周期中的应答率高,同时具有良好的安全 ...
FcRN receptor antagonists in the management of myasthenia gravis
2023年8月4日 · FcRn receptors prevent the catabolism of IgG by impeding their lysosomal degradation and facilitating their extracellular release at physiological pH, consequently extending the IgG half-life.
FcRn Inhibitor Therapies in Neurologic Diseases | CNS Drugs
2024年5月9日 · Neonatal Fc receptor-targeted therapies are engineered to selectively target FcRn through various methods, such as Fc fragments or monoclonal anti-FcRn antibodies. These approaches enhance the breakdown of autoantibodies by blocking the immunoglobulin G recycling pathway.
The efficacy and safety of FcRn inhibitors in patients with
2024年3月3日 · FcRn inhibitors have good efficacy and safety in patients with MG. Among them, efgartigimod and nipocalimab were effective without causing an increased safety risk. Rozanolixizumab, despite its superior efficacy, caused an increased incidence of adverse events.
Frontiers | Antagonism of the Neonatal Fc Receptor as an …
2020年1月9日 · A high affinity, pH-independent rat anti-FcRN inhibitor enhanced the clearance of pathogenic AChR antibodies and demonstrated a dose-dependent improvement in disease symptoms in both passive and active models of induced autoimmune MG. Therapeutic potential for FcRn agents was also demonstrated in a mouse model for muscle-specific kinase (MuSK ...