F Care Systems | Endovenous RF ablation of varicose veins
Ablation using radiofrequency (F Care Systems) is a safe and minimally invasive procedure. The catheter can easily be localised using ultrasound and followed from ankle to groin. The procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis, under local anaesthesia and completed within an hour.
F Care Systems | Radiofrequency medical device manufacturer
The radiofrequency medical device experts at F Care Systems develop innovative solutions for proctology, phlebology and dermatology applications.
F Care Systems | EVRF® radiofrequency generator
We offer the smaller K3i for facial treatments and the larger K6i for leg treatments, plus gold versions of each for patients with nickel allergies. The needles are inserted into an ergonomic handheld needle holder and used to deliver targeted RF energy along the vessel.
BD碧迪收购射频消融系统Venclose公司,与美敦力、比利时Fcare …
【文章来源:器械之家】2021年12月2日 ,BD(碧迪公司)宣布它已经收购了Venclose公司解决方案提供商用于治疗慢性静脉功能不全 (CVI)——一种由瓣膜功能障碍引起的疾病,可导致静脉曲张。
2021年12月4日 · Venclose 是 CVI 治疗领域的领导者,其创新的射频 (RF) 消融技术平台旨在实现多功能性、效率和简单性。 射频消融是 CVI 的主要治疗方法,并被医生广泛接受。 与 CVI 的替代激光治疗相比,射频消融导管可以潜在地减少患者的术后疼痛和瘀伤。 “我们致力于为静脉疾病患者设定新的卓越标准,这首先要为医生提供创新技术,” BD 外周干预全球总裁Paddy O'Brien说。 “我们对 Venclose 的收购将使我们能够为治疗各种静脉疾病的医生提供更强大的解决方案组合 …
2021年12月7日 · Venclose 是 CVI 治疗领域的领导者,其创新的射频 (RF) 消融技术平台旨在实现多功能性、效率和简单性。 射频消融是 CVI 的主要治疗方法,并被医生广泛接受。
BD碧迪收购射频消融系统Venclose公司|静脉曲张|射频消融|CVI|碧 …
2021年12月2日 ,BD(碧迪公司)宣布它已经收购了Venclose公司解决方案提供商用于治疗慢性静脉功能不全 (CVI) —— 一种由瓣膜功能障碍引起的疾病,可导致静脉曲张。
Chronic Venous Insufficiency | Circulation - AHA/ASA Journals
2014年7月22日 · Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) describes a condition that affects the venous system of the lower extremities, with the sine qua non being persistent ambulatory venous hypertension causing various pathologies, including pain, edema, skin changes, and ulcerations.
Chronic Venous Insufficiency - Penn Medicine
What Is Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)? Chronic venous insufficiency, or CVI, is a condition in which veins have problems moving blood back to the heart. It’s also known as chronic venous stasis, phlebitis or post-thrombotic syndrome. It most often affects veins in the legs, although it sometimes occurs in the arms.
F Care Systems US Announces Endo Venous Radio Frequency (EVRF)
F Care Systems US announces their new product, the Endo Venous Radio Frequency device, better known as EVRF®. This product was created to treat varicose veins in one’s private cabinet or in a clinic, while providing very little discomfort and remarkable results in a short time.