Fish Conservation and Culture Laboratory
2016年9月14日 · The Fish Conservation and Culture Laboratory (FCCL) has been a part of the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department of the University of California, Davis since 1996.
Refuge – Fish Conservation and Culture Laboratory - UC Davis
The Fish Conservation and Culture Lab (FCCL) and Genomic Variation Lab (GVL) of UC Davis have developed a breeding and rearing plan for creating the Delta Smelt refuge population. The goal is to minimize the deviation from the wild population, both phenotypically and genotypically.
Methods for the Smelts – Fish Conservation and Culture Laboratory
Currently, the FCCL focuses on improving existing rearing techniques, with the goal of increasing the system’s efficacy and rearing success. Some of our current areas of emphasis are described below.
Contact Us – Fish Conservation and Culture Laboratory - UC Davis
Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding collaborative research ideas or about any Delta Smelt aquaculture technique information. Tours of the facility are also available to groups with academic purposes.
People – Fish Conservation and Culture Laboratory - UC Davis
Dr. Tien-Chieh Hung Position/Title: Director/Associate Adjunct Professor E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://faculty.engineering.ucdavis.edu/hung Dr. Yi-Jiun ...
Methods for Other Species – Fish Conservation and Culture …
The FCCL’s efforts to culture mysids began in 2016 and aquaculture methods are still in the early stages of development. Prior to these efforts, the FCCL has successfully bred several thousand mysids from a population of commercially bought mysids.
Spawning Behavior – Fish Conservation and Culture Laboratory
The FCCL is currently conducting studies to characterize and better understand Delta Smelt spawning behavior, of which very little is understood. While we have previously found that Delta Smelt generally spawn at night from February through May, spawning behavior has never been observed in the wild and has not yet been formally described.
Tagging and Marking – Fish Conservation and Culture Laboratory
The most effective methods have been visible implant alphanumeric (VIA) tagging and adipose fin clips for sub-adult to adult fish; and calcein and photonic marks for young life stages. Among these methods only VIA tagging and Floy tags are currently applied at the FCCL for individual organism identification. Related Publications:
Facilities – Fish Conservation and Culture Laboratory - UC Davis
Most of our research facilities include temperature control units for each system, circular tanks, a settlement tank, a sump tank, a biofiltration tank, a particle filter, and an inline ultra-violet (UV) light.
Family Effect – Fish Conservation and Culture Laboratory
The FCCL is taking steps toward promoting survival of individual families by conducting trials using small culture containers that can rear single families at a time, this method could reduce competition between families and increase the survival of each individual family.