Changing final drive ratio - BIMMERPOST
2017年2月17日 · I changed the final drive ratio from 3.15 (stock for 330i 6MT) to 3.64 (stock for 330i 6AT). The car is much more lively and more fun to drive with the increased torque at the rear wheels. No effect on the speedo or DSC, but slightly reduced fuel efficiency, in …
Stock gear ratios & final drive gearing - BIMMERPOST
2010年5月19日 · Does anyone know what are (i) the gear ratios, and (ii) the final drive (differential) gearing, for stock 6MTs and DCTs? On gear ratios I remember reading somewhere in this post that MT6: 4.06, 2.37, 1.58, 1.19, 1.00, 0.87
BMW Gear Ratio & Final Drive Compilation - E30 E36 E46 E90 E92
2022年12月2日 · Below is a compilation of BMW gear ratio found on BMW transmissions and also the final drive ratios on the differential. This is a work in progress and I will continue to spend hours manually scavenging through official BMW brochures to compile.
E93 Introduction Seats A special feature of the front seats in the E93 is the seat-integrated seat belt system. This system is known from the E46 and E64. A new feature of the leather trim finish is so-called cool leather, i.e. sun reflective technology. This technology involves a change in physical properties by introducing modified color
E92 Dct diff rebuild / fd change - The M3cutters
2023年10月30日 · Looking at swapping the final drive. As usual while in there, have been looking at also fitting a drexler. Those that have done it who did you use for the rebuild? Was the cost of the drexler worth it? Thanks.
Differential final drive interchangeability - e90post.com
2017年9月25日 · There are large diff's available that have a variety of gear ratios. 3.08, 3.15 and 3.23 are available in the E90, e70 and late model 3 and 5 series. There was a design change post E90, the halfshaft and the output shaft are one piece.
BMW E93 3 Series Cabrio LCI 325d Specs - Ultimate Specs
Explore the BMW E93 3 Series Cabrio LCI 325d 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 detailed specs, including 0-60 mph times, horsepower, and handling data. Get all the Info.
Limited Slip Differential Education - E90 2010 | BMW CCA Forum
2010年1月16日 · Discussion in ' E90/E92/E93 M3 (2008-2013) ' started by LOPHAT2, Jan 16, 2010. I was informed by a mechanic today that he installed LSD, Dinan, on an E90 2008/9 M3 and that LSD modification alone increased horsepower by 50, hence, approximately 464 horses after installation.
或许“全能”也是“全不能” BMW E93 335i 整备使用一年感受 - 原创 …
2022年10月17日 · 总结来说就是,作为一个入门的性能车,价格很便宜,动力也够用,有宝马引以为傲的操控,还有灵魂直列六缸+MDCT,还能体验敞篷,科技配置也算是现代文明的水平;如果条件允许,是值得长期持有的好车。 但没有保时捷的纯粹,没有MX-5的快乐,也没有M-Power那爆炸的动力;所以”全能‘ 也代表“全不能” 敞篷真帅! 几缸的发动机? 反观我玩过的几台破鞋跑车,质量是真的好,哪怕其中那台997塔玛的过户记录20多次,绿本子都快写满,全国上北下南左西又东,去 …
宝马E93值不值得购买,购买需要注意什么? - 知乎专栏
2020年2月11日 · 我今年21岁了,初中的时候在大街上看到了宝马的 E93,325、那是我就感觉这就是我心目中的 Dream Car. 这是在二手车app上找到的改的M全套套件, 好几年过去了手里有15万的存款了,看了一下行情,11年10万公里以内的大概在18-15万左右,想过段时间贷款入手一辆首付十万剩下的钱用来发动机、变速箱、地盘以及内饰和外观的喷漆、然后一个月一千左右来保养它, 我真的是太喜欢它了,大家觉得我这样做行不行,还有就是买这样一台二手车需要注 …