FDG-PET in suspected dementia with Lewy bodies: a case report
2019年5月28日 · FDG-PET was suggestive of DLB. He was subsequently treated with Rivastigmine, with significant improvement of his symptoms. This case highlights the challenges in diagnosis of an elderly patient with DLB, the use of neuro-imaging as a diagnostic biomarker, the avoidance of the use of antipsychotic and the response to pharmacological treatment ...
Brain glucose metabolism in Lewy body dementia: implications …
2019年2月23日 · Here, we aimed to provide an extensive validation of the [18F]FDG-PET metabolic signatures in supporting DLB diagnosis near the first clinical assessment, which is characterized by high diagnostic uncertainty, at the single-subject level.
Longitudinal FDG-PET Metabolic Change Along the Lewy Body
2025年3月1日 · This study found that brain hypometabolism begins to evolve during the prodromal stages of DLB with changes paralleling symptomatic progression. These data may inform clinical practice and trials planning to use FDG-PET for biologic staging, monitoring disease progression, and potentially assessing …
Longitudinal FDG-PET Metabolic Change Along the Lewy Body …
The goal of the current study was to investigate longitudinal FDG-PET in MCI-LB and DLB. We report regional changes in FDG-PET and the well-established DLB biomarker cingulate island sign (CIS), 3 and demonstrate associations with disease progression. We propose a meta region of interest as it may provide additional value in diagnostic ...
Combined 18F-FDG PET-CT markers in dementia with Lewy bodies
2023年12月22日 · 18 F-Fluoro-deoxyglucose–positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) is a supportive biomarker in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) diagnosis and its advanced analysis methods, including radiomics and machine learning (ML), were developed recently.
FDG PET metabolic signatures distinguishing prodromal DLB and …
FDG PET is a potential biomarker for the prodromal stage of DLB. A higher medial temporal metabolism and CIS ratio, and lower substantia nigra metabolism have additive value in distinguishing prodromal DLB and AD.
FDG PET metabolic signatures distinguishing prodromal DLB and prodromal …
2021年1月1日 · Patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) are characterized by hypometabolism in the parieto–occipital cortex and the cingulate island sign (CIS) on 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET. Whether this pattern of hypometabolism is present as early as the prodromal stage of DLB is unknown.
JAMA Neurol:路易体痴呆谱系疾病的纵向 FDG-PET 代谢变 …
2025年1月20日 · 对于患有dlb和疑似 dlb 的前驱痴呆患者,使用 18 f-氟脱氧葡萄糖正电子发射断层扫描 (fdg-pet) 评估的脑代谢是否会随时间而变化?本研究旨在研究前驱 dlb 和 dlb 的纵向 fdg-pet,包括带有尸检数据的子样本,并报告 dlb 假设临床试验的估计样本量。
Brain 18 F-FDG-PET and an optimized cingulate island ratio to ...
Results: Visual assessment of 18F-FDG-PET showed an accuracy of 62%-77% in differentiating between DLB and AD. Standard uptake values were significantly lower in the primary visual cortex and the lateral occipital cortex of DLB patients compared to AD patients.
路易体痴呆:扣带回岛征的根源 - 丁香园
2014年8月6日 · 扣带回岛征(cingulate island sign,CIS)指相对于楔前叶和楔叶,后扣带回的葡萄糖代谢率更高,被认为是DLB特征性的FDG-PET影像。 尽管可以用CIS从临床上鉴别DLB与AD,但很少有病例做过病理活检。