FDT1 | Eaton Crouse-Hinds series Condulet FD device box | Eaton
Eaton Crouse-Hinds series Condulet FD device box, Deep, Feraloy iron alloy, Single-gang, T shape, 1/2"
From junction conduit outlet boxes, FS & FD device boxes and covers, compression and set-screw connectors and couplings, as well as multiple insulated bushings, you are sure to find the electrical fitting you need.
FDT Device Box, 1-Gang, 3/4", Malleable Iron - PLATT ELECTRIC …
FDT Type, 1-Gang, Malleable Iron Ridge Top, Cast Box. Hub Size: 3/4 Inch. Box Depth: 2.69 Inch Includes: Internal Ground Screw. For Use with Threaded Rigid Metal Conduit.
Appleton FDT-1-100 1-Gang Malleable FDT Box - Gordon Electric …
Appleton FDT-1-100 1-Gang Malleable FDT Box Technical Description : Zinc Electroplated/Chromate/Epoxy Powder Coated Malleable Iron Material; 2.81 Inch; 6.31 Inch; 2.69 Inch; Deep Shape; 1 Inch Hub Size; 3 Hub(S); 1 Gang(S); UL 514A Approval; 25 Cubic Inch Capacity; Not Included Mounting Hardware; Fdt Configuration Type
Crouse Hinds FDT3 Conduit Device Box | Standard Electric Supply …
EATON Crouse-Hinds Condulet Conduit Device Box, Type FDT 3-Entry Deep Tee, Series: FD Series, 1 Gang, 1 in Hub, (1) Each Side, (1) End Cable Entry Size, T, Surface Mount, Feraloy Iron Alloy, Aluminum Acrylic Painted/Electro-Galvanized, 4-3/4 in W x 2-11/16 in D x 5-9/32 in H
FDT1100 FDT-1-100 Appleton 1" FDT Deep Box - elliottelectric.com
Unilets FDT Deep Depth 1-Gang Cast Device Box, Number Of Outlet: 3, Material: Malleable Iron, Size: 1 In, Cable Entry: (3) 1 In Hub, Cubic Capacity: 25 Cu-In, Knockouts: No, Height: 4.56 In, Width: 2.81 In, Depth: 2.69 In, Finish: Triple-Coat (Zinc Electroplate, Chromate and Epoxy Powder Coat), Standard: Ul 514 A, Ul File Number E2527, Csa C22 ...
Detailed information for: FDT2-G - ABB Group
To Accommodate Wiring Devices, Act as Pull Boxes for Conductors, Provide Openings to Make Splices and Taps; Product Type: FS/FD Device Boxes & Covers-PVC Coated
FDT175 FDT-1-75 Appleton 3/4' FDT Deep Box - Elliott Electric
Unilets FDT Deep Depth 1-Gang Cast Device Box, Number Of Outlet: 3, Material: Malleable Iron, Size: 3/4 In, Cable Entry: (3) 3/4 In Hub, Cubic Capacity: 25 Cu-In, Knockouts: No, Height: 4.56 In, Width: 2.81 In, Depth: 2.69 In, Finish: TR
APPLETON FDT-1-50 1G MALL FDT BOX | Gordon Electric Supply, …
appleton fdt-1-50 1g malleable fdt box Technical Description : Zinc Electroplated/Dichromate/Epoxy Powder Coated Malleable Iron Material; 4.19 Inch; 5.88 Inch; 2.69 Inch; Deep Shape; 1/2 Inch Hub Size; 3 Hub(S); 1 Gang(S); UL 514A Approval; 25 Cu Inch Capacity; Not Included Mounting Hardware
EATON Crouse-Hinds Condulet® FDT2 Device Box, Feraloy® Iron …
Conduit device boxes for installation in non-hazardous area conduit systems to accommodate wiring devices, act as pull boxes or provide openings for taps and splices. Available in two box depths with a wide variety of hub configurations and sizes.