线粒体铁氧还蛋白 FDX1 和 FDX2 的功能谱和特异性,Nature …
Human mitochondria contain two isoforms of [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins, FDX1 (aka adrenodoxin) and FDX2, with known functions in cytochrome P450-dependent steroid transformations and Fe–S protein biogenesis. Here, we show that only FDX2, but …
Functional spectrum and specificity of mitochondrial ferredoxins FDX1 …
2022年10月24日 · Human mitochondria contain two isoforms of [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins, FDX1 (aka adrenodoxin) and FDX2, with known functions in cytochrome P450-dependent steroid transformations and Fe–S protein...
FDX1 通过直接结合 LIAS 调节细胞蛋白脂酰化,Journal of Biological …
我们最近报道,FDX1 既是铜离子载体诱导的细胞死亡的关键调节因子,又是细胞蛋白脂酰化的上游调节因子,脂酰化是一种基于线粒体脂质的翻译后修饰,自然发生在四种线粒体酶上,对 TCA 循环功能至关重要。 在这里,我们表明,FDX1 通过结合硫辛酰合成酶(LIAS)促进其与硫辛酰载体蛋白 GCSH 的功能性结合来直接调节蛋白质硫辛酸化,而不是通过间接调节细胞 Fe-S 簇生物合成。 代谢物分析显示,FDX1 功能丧失的主要细胞代谢结果是通过调节四种脂酰化依赖性酶来 …
Humans possess two mitochondrial ferredoxins, Fdx1 and Fdx2…
2010年6月6日 · Like Fdx1, Fdx2 is localized to mitochondria, contains a [2Fe-2S] cluster, and can accept electrons from NADPH via FdxR. Importantly, Fdx2 is essential for Fe/S protein biogenesis in human cells and can functionally replace Yah1. However, unlike Fdx1, Fdx2 is unable to reduce mitochondrial cytochrome P450.
Ferredoxins at the crossroads - Nature Chemical Biology
2022年10月24日 · Consistently, mammals possess two distantly related mitochondrial ferredoxins (with 30–40% identity), known as FDX1 and FDX2, both of which are reduced by a single NADPH-dependent ferredoxin ...
人类拥有两种线粒体铁氧还蛋白 Fdx1 和 Fdx2,在类固醇生成、血 …
Humans possess two mitochondrial ferredoxins, Fdx1 and Fdx2, with distinct roles in steroidogenesis, heme, and Fe/S cluster biosynthesis. Mammalian adrenodoxin (ferredoxin 1; Fdx1) is essential for the synthesis of various steroid hormones in adrenal glands.
Humans possess two mitochondrial ferredoxins, Fdx1 and Fdx2, …
2010年6月29日 · Instead, we identified a Fdx1-related mitochondrial protein, designated ferredoxin 2 (Fdx2) and found it to be essential for heme A and Fe/S protein biosynthesis. Unlike Fdx1, Fdx2 was unable to efficiently reduce mitochondrial cytochromes P450 and convert steroids, indicating that the two ferredoxin isoforms are highly specific for their ...
Functional spectrum and structural specificity of mitochondrial ...
Human mitochondria contain two isoforms of [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins, FDX1 (aka adrenodoxin) and FDX2, with known functions in cytochrome P450-dependent steroid transformations and Fe/S protein biogenesis. Here, we show that only FDX2, but …
FDX1 regulates cellular protein lipoylation through direct binding …
Here we show that FDX1 directly regulates protein lipoylation by binding the lipoyl synthase (LIAS) enzyme promoting its functional binding to the lipoyl carrier protein GCSH and not through indirect regulation of cellular Fe-S cluster biosynthesis.
Functional spectrum and specificity of mitochondrial ferredoxins FDX1 …
Human mitochondria contain two isoforms of [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins, FDX1 (aka adrenodoxin) and FDX2, with known functions in cytochrome P450-dependent steroid transformations and Fe-S protein biogenesis. Here, we show that only FDX2, but …