The iron L edges: Fe 2p X-ray absorption and electron energy loss ...
2013年4月1日 · Lau et al. [175] measured the Fe 2p XAS spectra of small iron clusters on Ni/Cu(0 0 1) surfaces. The 2p XAS spectrum of the Fe 7 cluster looks similar to the spectrum of bulk …
关于过渡金属元素的XPS图谱疑问解答 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
代表分峰拟合的时候,将Fe 2p的强谱峰分成了浅红色的Fe (Ⅱ)峰和浅绿色的Satellite峰。 Satellite的英文意思是卫星,即浅绿色的峰代表的是 卫星峰,也就是小的伴峰的意思。 (常 …
Structure and bonding in amorphous iron carbide thin films
2015年1月8日 · The Fe 2p XAS intensity is proportional to the unoccupied 3d states, and therefore this trend indicates increased charge-transfer for increasing x as the occupied Fe 3d …
Some of the important theoretical concepts in the analysis of L edges are discussed, including atomic multiplet theory, crystal field theory, charge transfer theory and XMCD. The 2p XAS …
a) X-Ray absorption (XAS) Fe L-edge (Fe 2p) spectra of the MIL-100(Fe ...
In extreme surface sensitivity detection TEY mode, almost entirely reduced Fe II species are detected (708 eV) in the uncoated NPs, whereas the presence of both Fe II and Fe III (710 eV)...
铁L边缘:Fe 2p X射线吸收和电子能量损失光谱,Journal of Electron …
2013年4月1日 · 讨论了用 2p xas、xmcd 和 2p eels 获得的实验光谱,包括孤立的铁原子、固体和配位化合物。 大部分出版物涉及详细讨论的氧化铁系统,包括二元氧化物、钙钛矿和尖晶石 …
2p x-ray absorption spectroscopy of 3d transition metal systems
2021年5月1日 · The 2p XAS spectra are obtained in accordance with the Fermi’s golden rule, where the transition matrix elements are computed using the wavefunctions for the initial and …
Fe 2p shifts to a higher-energy side by about 0.1–0.2eV. These results indicate that the Mn3þ electron is substituted into the Fe2þ site, which contributes to improvements in the electrical …
Using Iron L-Edge and Nitrogen K-Edge X-ray Absorption …
2024年6月27日 · Here, we investigate a series of iron-centered N-heterocyclic carbene complexes with +2, + 3, and +4 oxidation states of the central iron ion using iron L-edge and …
Database of ab initio L-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure
2021年6月11日 · Here, we report the development of a database of computed L-edge XANES using the multiple scattering theory-based FEFF9 code. The initial release of the database …