The Official Home of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship
Get the latest news, video highlights, race results, calendar, team & driver profiles for the all-electric racing series.
Formula E - Wikipedia
Formula E, officially the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship, is an open-wheel single-seater motorsport championship for electric cars. The racing series is the highest class of competition for electrically powered single-seater racing cars. The inaugural championship race was held in Beijing in September 2014. [1] .
Formula E Calendar - ABB FIA Formula E World Championship
All the races and dates from the official 2024 Formula E calendar. Buy tickets and see all the race schedules and information for Season 10.
电动方程式锦标赛 - 百度百科
国际汽联电动方程式锦标赛,简称FE,是由国际汽车运动联合会(FIA)举办的一项全新赛事,以其抢眼的环保理念、符合未来汽车发展趋势的模式,吸引了全球众多厂商和名人的关注。2014年9月13日,首届Formula E世界电动方程式比赛将在北京奥林匹克公园拉开帷幕。
What is Formula E - ABB FIA Formula E World Championship
Developed by specialists from Formula E and the FIA, the latest GEN3 Evo edition marks a significant leap in electric racing technology, with acceleration 0-60mph 30% faster than a current F1 car, and 36% faster than the GEN3 car. Taylor Barnard became the youngest driver in Formula E history at just 19 years old.
上海站将至,这篇文章带你了解11支FE车队! - 哔哩哔哩
2024年5月17日 · 简介:作为fe第九赛季车队世界冠军得主,以及fe围场内的两支中资车队之一,远景车队自fe元年的2014/15赛季起就已开始参赛。 在名为维珍车队的第一个赛季,该车队就取得了年度第五的成绩。
2023 Formula E Championship Schedule/Calendar - Motorsport.com
Formula E Racing Championship 2023 Schedule. Keep track of every single race and program it yourself so you do not miss any dates from the calendar
1 天前 · fe电动方程式再度回归上海,不仅将点燃上赛道,也将进一步驱动城市经济与文化的全速前进。 原标题:《FE电动方程式2025重返上海,揭秘顶级赛事 ...
Formula E - YouTube
Welcome to the closest, most intense racing series on the planet. The ABB FIA Formula E World Championship. Global electric street racing. Net Zero Since Day Zero. #ChangeAccelerated 🏎⚡️🌍
FE电动方程式 - Motorsport
fe发布2024/25赛季赛历,上海站定于五月底 电动方程式发布由17场比赛组成的2024/25赛季赛历,并且确认将在五月底回到上海。 上海E-PRIX第二场:达科斯塔夺冠,杰克·休斯首登领奖台