(a) HRTEM images of Fe2O3 hexagonal morphotype
Nonlinear optical absorption and optical power limiting properties of Fe2O3 hexagonal nanomorphotype are investigated using open aperture Z-scan technique with the 5 ns and 100 fs laser pulses,...
Magnetic properties of hematite (α-Fe2O3 ... - ScienceDirect
2014年11月30日 · The XRD, TEM and HRTEM measurements revealed the nanocrystalline α-Fe 2 O 3 phase, spherically shaped particle morphology, average nanoparticle size of about 8 nm, narrow size distribution, and lattice fringes of the nanoparticles.
Facile and efficient synthesis of binary FeOOH/Fe2O3 …
2022年3月10日 · In this work, a binary FeOOH/Fe 2 O 3 composite is fabricated by a facile and low-cost hydrothermal method with FeCl 3 •6 H 2 O and CO (NH 2) 2 as raw materials. The microstructure and composition of the as-prepared sample is characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM, FT-IR, and XPS.
Crystal plane effect of Fe2O3 with various morphologies
2011年2月10日 · Hematite (α-Fe 2 O 3) nanocrystals with various morphologies (nanocubes and nanorods with different particle sizes) were synthesized by a facile hydrothermal process. The crystal plane effects of different Fe 2 O 3 nanomaterials on the catalytic activity of CO oxidation were investigated.
Three-Dimensional Fe2O3 Nanocubes/Nitrogen-doped Graphene …
2014年11月25日 · We developed a solvothermal-induced self-assembly approach to construct three dimensional (3D) macroscopic Fe2O3 nanocubes/nitrogen-doped graphene (Fe2O3-NC/GN) aerogel as anode materials for...
HRTEM (a) and SAED (b) images of the α-Fe2O3 nanoflower
The Fe foam substrate with small skeleton diameter (90 μm) facilitates the formation of -Fe2O3 vertical nanosheet arrays, whereas the flower-like -Fe2O3 superstructures are preferred to grow on...
我的样品的HRTEM解析求助 - 晶体 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 互动社区
各位虫友,本人做了一个alpha-Fe2O3负载的Pd催化剂的HRTEM(见图)。 我对TEM不熟悉,现请求帮助:(1)可以帮我计算以下晶格间距吗(图中我试着标示了一下,我画得正确与否)?
α-Fe2O3 纳米线中的新调制结构,Chinese Physics B - X-MOL
使用高分辨率透射电子显微镜 (HRTEM) 观察和组合,报告了一种新的调制结构,由铁箔热氧化形成的 α-Fe2O3 纳米线 (NW) 中的周期性 (1120) 堆垛层错 (SFs) 组成。 HRTEM 图像模拟。 调制结构的周期性为 1.53 nm,是 (3300) 面间距的十倍,可以通过每十个 (3300) 面与 (1120) 面的面间距的 1/2 位移来描述。 提出了 Fe2O3 结构的原子模型来模拟调制结构。 HRTEM 模拟结果证实 α-Fe2O3 NWs 中的调制结构是由 SFs 引起的。 使用高分辨率透射电子显微镜 (HRTEM) 观察和 …
新型花生状α-Fe2O3超结构:一锅溶剂热过程中的定向聚集和奥斯 …
high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) techniques. HRTEM study shows well resolved (110) fringes corresponding to α-Fe2O3, and selected area diffraction pattern (SADP) confirms the crystalline nature of α-Fe2O3 polyhedral nanoparticles. It is observed that polyhedral formation of α-Fe2O3 nano crystals depends upon annealing