Fe3O4@Ag@Pt nanoparticles with multienzyme like activity for …
Trimetallic nanozyme Fe 3 O 4 @Ag@Pt exhibits OXD-, POD-, and SOD-like activities. The synergistic catalytic system results in enhanced OXD-like activity. The recyclability, good resistance, high stability and low cost assist TAC test. Apply to detect TAC in fruit juice, commercial beverages and cells successfully.
用于 MRI 的纳米颗粒 NaA 沸石复合材料:氧化铁含量对图像对比 …
摘要 在目前的研究中,Fe3O4/NaA 纳米复合材料与不同量的 Fe3O4(3.4、6.8 和 10.2 wt%)被合成和表征,以研究纳米氧化铁含量对磁共振(MR)图像对比度的影响。
Synthesis and investigation of the applicability of Fe3O4/ZnO ...
6 天之前 · The results of the MTT tests for the studied nanoparticles are shown in Figure 8. The general form of the presented data on the efficiency of cell survival depending on the concentration and time of testing has several dependencies.
Fe3O4@Cus-PEG纳米粒子作为结直肠癌细胞的新型放射增敏剂改 …
通过MTT测定评估纳米颗粒对HT-29结肠直肠癌细胞的毒性。 通过 MTT 和集落形成试验研究了 Fe3O4@Cus-PEG 纳米颗粒对 HT-29 癌细胞的放射增敏作用。
Assessments by Flow Cytometry and MTT Assay of Synthesized Cu …
2025年3月3日 · The MTT and the flow cytometry assays of the produced Cu nanodots/ GA hybrid showed a strong reduction in the viability of both A549 and HEK239T cells at 50 and 100 ng/µL. However, the prepared Fe 3 O 4 nanodots/ GA hybrid does not show any significant effect owing to its larger particle size than that of the Cu nanodots/ GA hybrid.
In vitro cell viability evaluation of amorphous carbon and Fe3O4 ...
2024年11月14日 · Some studies have presented functionalization techniques for multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with magnetite (Fe 3 O 4) nanoparticles, demonstrating increased cell viability and a positive influence on mesenchymal stem cell behavior, especially under a static magnetic field [5].
Synthesis and characterization of biocompatible Fe3O4
And the 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl-2,5- diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay was performed to evaluate the biocompatibility of magnetite nanoparticles. The results showed that the Fe3O4 nanoparticles coated by sodium oleate had a better biocompatibility, better magnetic properties, easier washing, lower cost, and better dispersion than the ...
通过 MTT 和琼脂扩散方法对铁氧体颗粒的细胞毒性进行高温应用
2005年5月1日 · 在 MTT 测定中,Fe3O4 和 SrFe12O19 铁氧体显示出最高的细胞活力,为 90%。 藻酸盐包封的 Ba-铁氧体被列为轻度细胞毒性,而它们的铁氧体颗粒被列为细胞毒性。
MTT assay of different concentrations of a Fe3O4 and Fe3O4…
We report the effect of In on superparamagnetic CoIn x Fe 2-x O 4 (x = 0.00, 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15) nanoparticles (NPs) prepared through one step hydrothermal method. The trace of In ions in the...
Full article: Cutaneous Evaluation of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles: An ...
5 天之前 · Viability Assay of EpiDerm TM Model for Irritancy and Phototoxicity Protocols via MTT Test To evaluate the viability of epidermis inserts, the 3- (4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay was performed.