Understanding the Fe-Fe3C Phase Diagram: A Comprehensive …
The Fe-Fe3C phase diagram consists of various regions, including the alpha (α) solid solution, gamma (γ) solid solution, delta (δ) ferrite, austenite, and cementite. The alpha and gamma phases are solid solutions of carbon in iron, with the alpha phase being stable at low temperatures and low carbon concentrations, while the gamma phase is ...
composition of Fe3C and ferrite. for a given T and composition of the system. --increases the tensile strength (TS) --decreases the ductility. Binary eutectics and binary eutectoids allow for a range of microstructures.
Study Iron-Carbon (Fe-C) Phase Diagram - Metallurgy for Dummies
The vast majority of steels rely on just two allotropes of iron: (1) alpha-iron, which is body-centered cubic (BCC) ferrite, and (2) gamma-iron, which is face-centered cubic (FCC) austenite. At ambient pressure, BCC ferrite is stable from all temperatures up to 912 °C (the A3 point), when it transforms into FCC austenite.
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The Iron-Carbon Phase Diagram - IspatGuru
2013年3月11日 · In the Fe–Fe3C system, carbon is an interstitial impurity in Fe. It forms a solid solution with alpha (alpha ferrite), gamma (austenite), and delta (delta ferrite) phases of iron. These are important phases in Fe – Fe3C phase diagram.
The Complete Guide to Understanding the Fe-Fe3C Phase Diagram
The Fe-Fe3C phase diagram allows engineers and metallurgists to predict the microstructure and properties of steels based on their carbon content and processing conditions. The Fe-Fe3C phase diagram consists of three main phases: ferrite (α-iron), austenite (γ-iron), and cementite (Fe3C).
Characterization of ultrafine γ-Fe(C), α-Fe(C) and Fe3C particles ...
Ultrafine γ-Fe (C), α-Fe (C) and Fe3C particles were prepared by arc-discharge synthesis in a methane atmosphere. The phases, morphology, structure and surface layer of the particles were studied by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).
2021年11月9日 · 渗碳体:碳与铁形成的一种化合物Fe3C; 特征:含碳量为6.67%,具有复杂的斜方晶体结构;硬度很高,脆性极大,韧性、塑性几乎为零。 珠光体:铁碳合金中共析反应所形成的铁素体与渗碳体组成的片层相间的机械混合物;
2014年4月17日 · ③Fe3C实际是亚稳相,在一定条件下可以分解为铁固溶体和石墨,所以铁碳相图实际上市含有铁-石墨相图的双重相图; ④大于6.69%的铁碳合金由于脆性极大,没有使用价值,没有列入研究范围。 铁碳相图如下图所示: 在热处理过程中,相图中的左上角的ABN的实际运用意义不大,可以不考虑组织。 但是GPQ相区有实际意义,不用忽略。 相图中的特性线主要有6条,分别如下。 ACD线:铁碳合金的液相线; AECF线:铁碳合金的固相线; GS线:冷却时奥 …
铁碳相图发展史 · Heishan Press
一种碳含量高的极硬化合物,即渗碳体 $\ce{Fe3C}$; 由前两者构成的层片状/珠状组织,即珠光体; 石墨; 其他的夹杂物。 可见,到此时,室温下钢铁的各个组织已经基本为人们所知。