Elucidation of the electrocatalytic activity origin of Fe3C species …
2023年7月1日 · To insightfully investigate the local electronic and geometric characteristics of Fe atoms in prepared samples, X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) measurements were carried out [42].
Study of the evolution of FeNxCy and Fe3C species in Fe/N/C …
2021年4月1日 · The evolution of Fe species in the catalyst after the ASTs has been quantified by performing linear combination fittings (LCF) of the XANES spectra of the used catalysts, along with those of the initial catalyst (Fe–N-DCB), Fe 3 C, Fe-phthalocyanine, Fe 2 O 3 and Fe 3 O 4.
Co-Fe3C pair sites catalyst with heterometallic dual active sites for ...
2023年12月1日 · Herein, we constructed highly active Co-Fe 3 C pair sites on N-doped graphite catalyst (CNCo-Fe 3 C) by a two-step strategy, which have electron interactions of heterometallic atoms and can play better synergistic effect.
K-Edge XANES Investigation of Fe-Based Oxides by Density …
2021年11月18日 · Here, comprehensive first-principles calculations of X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra of a series of Fe-based catalysts and battery electrodes, including FeO, Fe 2 O 3, Fe (OH) 2, FeOOH, FeAl 2 O 4, and MFeO 2 (M = Li, Na, or K), were performed to shed light on the issue by dissecting the dependence of XANES line shapes on de...
Fe3C-Assisted Single Atomic Fe Sites for Sensitive Electrochemical ...
2021年3月18日 · In this work, an extremely sensitive electrochemical H 2 O 2 biosensor based on single atomic Fe sites coupled with carbon-encapsulated Fe 3 C crystals (Fe 3 C@C/Fe–N–C) is proposed.
Fe3C@C协同增强型Fe单原子位点催化剂用于胞内H2O2检测- X …
2021年4月6日 · 例如,有报道称Fe-Fe3C纳米晶通过优化Fe单原子位点与OH*等中间体之间的吸附强度,有效提高了Fe单原子位点的氧还原性能。 与氧还原反应类似,H2O2的还原也涉及含氧中间体在活性位点上的吸附/脱附过程,其强度决定了催化剂的活性和电化学传感器的灵敏度。 受此启发,金属纳米晶协同增强型SASCs有望作为天然酶的替代品,实现对细胞中H2O2的高灵敏检测(图1)。 图2.(a)Fe3C@C/Fe-N-C的合成示意图;(b)Fe3C@C/Fe-N-C的HRTEM …
封装的 Fe3C 提高了 N 掺杂碳纳米管氧还原反应的电催化性 …
2024年12月3日 · 本文合成了具有 fe3c 封装基催化剂 (fe3c@n-cnt) 的 n-cnt。 通过 HAADF-STEM、XANES、XPS、XRD、SEM 等方法证实了 Fe3C@N-CNT 的封装结构。 XANES 测试表明,Fe3C 的掺杂氮改变了 Fe-C 键的长度,并进一步影响了封装的 Fe3C 和外层 N-CNT 之间的电 …
Comparison of experimental Fe K-edge XANES from a (Fe-Fe3C…
Carbon-encapsulated iron-cementite (Fe-Fe3C) nanoparticles, promising nanomaterials for medicine due to their valuable magnetic properties, were synthesized by a single-step...
a,b) High‐resolution XPS N 1s spectra of Fe3C|Fe1N4 and Fe1N4. c) XANES…
In this work, the FeCo/Fe3C-CNC composite was prepared by anchoring FeCo/Fe3C nanoparticles onto the crosslinked N-doped Carbon (CNC). The results showed that the addition of Co element...
Synthesis of Fe3C@porous carbon nanorods via carbonizing Fe complexes ...
Fe-Based electrocatalysts on carbon substrates are considered suitable candidates for applications in Zn–air batteries due to their favorable ORR performance. Herein, unique Fe 3 C@N-doped porous carbon nanorods have been synthesized using …