Lord - Fire Emblem Wiki
The Lord is a class that debuted in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light. The Lord class, typically a member of royalty and a character of key importance, most often …
Fe7 lords vs 3h lords - Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Serenes …
2020年9月29日 · The Three Houses lords are each specific to a route, while the Blazing Blade trio work together. Each 3H Lord is stronger individually, and gets a powerful semi-personal …
Heaven Seal | Fire Emblem Wiki | Fandom
The Heaven Seal (天国シール Tengoku shīru) is a promotional item that appears exclusively in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, permitting Lord characters Level 10 and above into their …
Wyvern Lord - Fire Emblem Wiki
The Wyvern Lord is a Wyvern-mounted combat physical class that recurrently appears across the Fire Emblem Series, beginning from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. One of the …
A look at Lord promotions throughout the series. : r/fireemblem - Reddit
2019年2月3日 · The most common type of lord promotion occurring as early as the 2nd title and in most games has the lord promote at a set moment in the story. In Gaiden/SoV Celica's …
Classes - Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade (FE7) - Triangle Attack
The main lord, either Eliwood or Hector, has their promotion locked behind a story event. The other two lords can promote with a Heaven Seal once they reach level 10 or higher. The main …
When do you get to promote Lords? - Fire Emblem - GameFAQs
The main lord promotes after a specific event. I think it's around chapter 27. Around chapter 24 you get a Heaven Seal to promote 2 of the non-main lords. You get another a couple chapters...
The Blazing Blade: Which is you favorite lord/protagonist and ... - Reddit
2021年10月8日 · The fe7 lords are all super solid in terms of their individual characters and designs. I've never had them as my favorite characters, but I've always liked them, and it's …
Lord - Fire Emblem Wiki
The Lord (Japanese: ロード Lord) is a prominent class introduced in Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light. Most of the main characters of the Fire Emblem series are of the …
Can you promote lords? - Fire Emblem Q&A for Game Boy …
2003年11月3日 · Your main lord (Eliwood or Hector, depending on whose story you're playing) promotes right after the chapter 'Cog of Destiny'. The other two lords promote by using the …