Differential FeS cluster photodamage plays a critical role in ...
2024年9月13日 · Wild-type plants showed 10–35% photodamage to their FeS A/B clusters with increasing high-light duration, without much effect on P700 oxidation capacity, FeS X function or CO 2 fixation rate, and...
Seed treatment with iron pyrite (FeS2) nanoparticles increases the ...
The plants developed from iron pyrite nanoparticle treated seeds exhibited significantly broader leaf morphology, larger leaf numbers, increased biomass; along with higher concentration of calcium, manganese and zinc in the leaves when compared to the …
Nano pyrite (FeS2) root priming enhances chilli and marigold …
2019年1月10日 · Earlier we showed that seed pre-treatment with nano-pyrite (FeS 2 /Py) results in improved root architecture in chickpea, Sesamum, carrot and beetroot. Here we have developed a root-priming strategy for crops requiring transplantation.
Larger root nodules increased Fe, Mo, Mg, P, Ca, Mn, K in
2019年12月19日 · Here we discovered that pre-treating the chickpea seeds with nano FeS 2 (iron pyrite) resulted in a denser root network with larger root nodules. It improved the shoot system and resulted in a higher yield. We observed a higher concentration of Fe, Mo, Mg, P, Ca, Mn, K in the roots of chickpea: possibly emulating nitrogenase.
Enhanced Fenton performance of wet-mechanochemically synthesized FeS2 ...
2024年8月1日 · FeS 2 -biochar composites have been considered as promising heterogeneous Fenton materials for pollutants removal. However, the chemical synthesis of element-doped FeS 2 -biochar composite with superior performance and the comprehensive investigation for its underlying multiple synergistic mechanism remain a difficult endeavor.
Simultaneous heterotrophic and FeS2-based ferrous autotrophic ...
2022年7月10日 · Combined heterotrophic and autotrophic system for advanced denitrification of municipal secondary effluent in full-scale plant and bacterial community analysis
Multifunctional platinum-doped porous FeS2 nanoparticles for ...
2023年8月1日 · Herein, we developed the Pt-doped mesoporous FeS 2 NPs with GOX-loaded and 4T1 cell membrane-coated Pt/pFeS 2 @GOX@4T1 nanovesicles (NVs) to acquire photothermal-enhanced photodynamic ferroptosis antitumor combination therapy (Scheme 1).
Seed treatment with iron pyrite (FeS2) nanoparticles increase the ...
2014年10月29日 · We conducted multi-location field trials on spinach crop, since it is a globally popular crop, consumed as both fresh (salads) and processed food. The spinach seeds were treated for 14 hours in an...
李泓/王丽平Joule:解锁微米级转换型FeS₂正极的长循环寿命_澎湃 …
2023年11月5日 · 来自中国科学院物理研究所的李泓研究员和电子科技大学的王丽平教授等在Cell Press细胞出版社旗下期刊Joule上发表了题目为“Unlocking Cycling Longevity in Micro-sized Conversion-type FeS2 Cathodes”的文章,通过新型电解液、功能粘结剂和碳纳米管“三合一”构造 …
Seed treatment with iron pyrite (FeS 2 ) nanoparticles increases …
Thus, the increase in biomass and plant size upon seed treatment with FeS2, can be attributed to the modulation and increased activity of the aforementioned pathway by H2O2 generated by FeS2. under an inert atmosphere.