XANES−EXAFS Analysis of Se Solid-Phase Reaction Products …
2008年4月12日 · The solid-phase Se speciation after short-term (3 weeks) contact of selenite [Se (IV)] oxyanions with pyrite (FeS 2) and troilite (FeS) was investigated using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS; X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy−extended X-ray absorption fine structure (XANES-EXAFS)).
FeS2的X射线吸收光谱的第一性原理研究,Journal of the Physical …
2013年6月15日 · 已经测量了黄铁矿 FeS2 和 Na 放电 FeS2 在 Fe K 边缘的 XAS 光谱,发现主峰区域有一些变化,而前边缘结构通过放电保持其形状。 在本说明中,我们通过执行第一性原理 DFT 计算,展示了黄铁矿和白铁矿相中 FeS2 的 XAS 光谱的一些理论结果。
13.1. Example 1: FeS2 — Artemis 0.9.26 documentation - GitHub …
Iron pyrite, FeS 2, is my favorite teaching example which I use to introduce people to fitting with ARTEMIS. It is a crystal with a well-known structure. I have beautiful data. And I am able to create a very successful fitting model. As a cubic crystal, the structure is not too complicated.
使用X射线吸收光谱法(XAS; X射线吸收近)研究了亚硒酸盐 [Se(IV)]氧阴离子与黄铁矿(FeS2)和三叶草(FeS)短期(3周)接触后的固相硒形态边缘光谱扩展了X射线吸收精细结构(XANES-EXAFS)。 已发现,由于分别形成了Se(0)和FeSe(x),硫化物矿物的性质决定了最终的形态,这意味着反应机理不同,并且这些相不能视为地球化学相似。 实验结果支持了先前提出的亚硒酸盐与黄铁矿反应的吸附/还原机理。 在三菱沸石的存在下,还原过程是通过中间形 …
XANES-EXAFS analysis of se solid-phase reaction products ... - PubMed
2008年5月15日 · The solid-phase Se speciation after short-term (3 weeks) contact of selenite [Se(IV)] oxyanions with pyrite (FeS2) and troilite (FeS) was investigated using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS; X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy-extended X-ray absorption fine structure (XANES-EXAFS)). It was fou …
GitHub - bruceravel/XAS-Education: Educational materials for XAS ...
PDF files of the talks can be found at SpeakerDeck. These folders contain the XAS and structural data used in the talks. All these examples can be downloaded from this zip file. To use the style files, the TEXINPUTS environment variable must be set with a line like this either in the .bashrc file or at the command line:
FeS2 EXAFS 6 / 12 ∗ E.A. Hudson et al., Polarized x-ray-absorption spectroscopy of the uranyl ion: Comparison of experiment and theory, Phys. Rev. B 54 (1996) pp. 156-165 ˝ DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.54.156
XAS Education by bruceravel - GitHub Pages
Bruce Ravel's XAS Education Materials Talks. These folders contain the LaTeX source for my talks. All talks use LaTeX and the Beamer LaTeX class. All images are included, usually as .png or .jpg files. Source material (e.g. .svg, GIMP .xcf, LibreOffice .odg, Xfig .fig) are deposited for some images and must be converted to PDF, png, or jpg.
October 10-12, 2023 — NSLS-II XAS Workshops v2025.03 …
This 3-day course offered by NSLS-II experts introduced XAS data analysis to new and prospective users and provide an opportunity to perform real experiments at NSLS-II XAS beamlines. The first two days were devoted to the fundamentals of XAS analysis, data reduction and processing, and the basics of XAS experiments and instrumentation.
13. Worked examples — Artemis 0.9.26 documentation - GitHub …
This is Bruce's favorite teaching example, FeS 2. This is a cubic crystal, not too structurall complicated, but with enough interesting features to make it a good teaching tool. The data and crystal structure for this example can be found here.