Feasa LED Analyser
The Feasa Analyser is an innovative solution for testing multiple LEDs simultaneously for Color and Brightness. There are two Models, Feasa-I (ICT) and Feasa-F (Functional).
One method of connecting the Led Analyser to an Agilent / GenRad or Terradyne system is to use a 20way ribbon cable from the Feasa -I JP3 to a 20 way transfer connector on the Fixture bed …
LED分析仪 | Pico Electronics
Feasa分析仪是一种创新的解决方案,可同时测试多个LED的颜色和亮度。 有两种型号,Feasa-I(ICT)和Feasa-F(Functional)。 可以订购3、5、10和20通道的配置。 当选择哪种模型最 …
FEASA LED ANALYSER - Intrinsic Quality LLC
Feasa’s LED Analyzer allow for powerful, fast and user-friendly automatic testing and measurement of both the color and intensity or brightness of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) and …
Feasa - Analyser - 聯恩電子 - Linkwen
Feasa 功能 LED 分析儀提供 3、5、10 和 20 通道配置。 設備接口透過 USB 或 RS232 連接,並具有Daisy Chain功能,最多可連接 30 個分析儀。 3、5 和 10 通道單元的尺寸為 …
FEASA™ LED ANALYSER - Feasa Enterprises Ltd. - PDF Catalogs
The Innovative Solution for Testing LEDs The Feasa Analyser is an innovative solution for testing multiple LEDs simultaneously for Color and Brightness. There are two Models – Feasa I (ICT) …
Feasa - LED 分析儀 - 聯恩電子 - Linkwen
FEASA LED 分析儀是一種測量系統,能快速測試出 LED 輸出的顏色和亮度。 能確保單個 LED 的可追溯測量。 FEASA LED 分析儀能夠在 3 秒內測試 100 個 LED。 適用於汽車、航空、醫療 …
-產線自動化方案 - 聯恩電子 - Linkwen
FEASA Enterprises 是一家通過 ISO 9001 認證的公司,開發一系列的分析儀,用於測試 LED 的顏色和亮度性能。 LED 分析儀廣泛用於各種形式的汽車照明應用以及工業自動化。
The Feasa Legend provides of an external port which allows to perform simple PASS/FAIL functional tests from external In-circuit Test machines, PLC controllers, micro-controllers or …
FUNCTIONAL VERSION Introduction The Feasa Low Light Analyser is an instrument that tests the Color and Intensity of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) in a Test Process. It has been …