Featherine Augustus Aurora | VS Battles Wiki - Fandom
Featherine Augustus Aurora (フェザリーヌ アウグストゥス アウローラ) is the witch form of Tohya Hachijo, and the Witch of Theatergoing, Drama and Spectating, an Endless Witch. She appears in the sixth, seventh, and eighth games; Dawn of the Golden Witch, Requiem of the Golden Witch, and Twilight of the Golden...
Featherine Augustus Aurora - When They Cry Wiki
2023年10月1日 · Featherine Augustus Aurora (フェザリーヌ アウグストゥス アウローラ) is an extremely powerful witch who can freely rewrite reality. She appears in the last three episodes of Umineko no Naku Koro ni as an observer and antagonist.
菲泽莉努·阿乌古斯都斯·阿乌罗拉 - 百度百科
菲泽莉努·阿乌古斯都斯·阿乌罗拉,日本 游戏 《海猫鸣泣之时》及其衍生作品中的角色,富有尊严的观剧与戏曲与旁观的魔女。 生存已逾千年,在生与死之间不断穿梭往返。 这就是传说中的魔女菲泽莉努·阿乌古斯都斯·阿乌罗拉。 贝伦卡斯泰露,也曾是她的巫女。 推测这是指《寒蝉鸣泣之时》中,菲泽莉努通过 古手梨花 来阅读故事。 这也对应“任职时间最长的巫女”。 此外, 羽入 在寒蝉的世界中,也一直不参与游戏,以类似观剧的形式来看寒蝉的棋盘。 在自称抵达真相的uio写 …
Featherine Augustus Aurora ( Canon Umineko / Feats
Featherine Augustus Aurora is the physical manifestation of Tohya Hachijo, Endless Witch of Theatergoing, Drama and Spectating, presented as one of the most powerful beings in Umineko no Naku Koro ni, she exists on a plane far higher than the Human and Witch domain, viewing it as purely fictional, her boredom she considers as a " Fatal Illness ...
What Anime Is Featherine From? - OtakuKart
2022年5月17日 · What Anime Does Featherine Belong To? Featherine Augustus Aurora appeared in only the final three episodes of Umineko No Naku Koro Ni as an antagonist. This anime had 26 episodes, and it was aired from 2 July 2009 to 24 December 2009.
페더린느 아우구스투스 아우로라 - 나무위키
2024年9月24日 · 존엄한 관극 [1] 과 희곡과 방관의 마녀. 천년을 질리도록 살며 생사를 반복하고 있다. 이전에는 전설의 마녀로서 수많은 명 게임의 마스터를 맡았지만, 그 전설도 영광도 기억도, 이미 과거로 사라져, 잊혀져 있다. 가슴의 엄숙한 훈장만이, 그 기억을 남기고 있다…. 머리 부분에 떠 있는 말굽 모양의 물체는, 기억 보조도구. 이름, 외모, 성격 등 그녀의 personality를 기록하고 있다. 이것이 없으면 이미 스스로의 인격마저 유지할 수 없을 정도로 늙었다. 괭이갈매기 울 적에 의 등장인물. …
Featherine Augustus Aurora - Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Wiki
Featherine Augustus Aurora (フェザリーヌ アウグストゥス オーロラ Fezarīnu Augusutusu Aurōra) es la bruja formada de Ikuko Hachijo, la Bruja del Teatro, Drama y Expectación y también un Creador. Aparece en los juegos sexto, séptimo y octavo; Dawn of the Golden Witch, Requiem of the Golden Witch y Twilight of the…
Featherine Augustus Aurora - Superhero Database
Featherine Augustus Aurora is the witch form of Tohya Hachijo and has been spectating Beatrice's previous games. She first appears in Dawn of the Golden Witch. Featherine is said to have created Bernkastel from her pet cat and sent her throughout the Sea of Fragments on a search for stories to cure her boredom with.
Featherine Augustus Aurora (Canon)/KB313 - Character Stats …
Featherine is the second most powerful character within the Umineko no Naku Koro ni series standing behind the Creator. She is a god-like entity that transcends the Realm of Witches. She views higher-dimesional realms as fictional pieces...
Featherine Augustus Aurora - VS Titan Wiki
Featherine Augustus Aurora (フェザリーヌ アウグストゥス アウローラ) is the witch form of Tohya Hachijo, and the Witch of Theatergoing, Drama and Spectating, an Endless Witch. She appears in the sixth, seventh, and eighth games; Dawn of the Golden Witch, Requiem of the Golden Witch, and Twilight of the Golden...