38 U.S. Code § 3675 - Approval of accredited courses
In making application for approval, the institution (other than an elementary school or secondary school) shall transmit to the State approving agency copies of its catalog or bulletin which must be certified as true and correct in content and policy by an authorized representative of the institution.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Circulars, 3675. Restrictive ...
Federal Reserve Bank of New York. "3675. Restrictive Endorsements of United States Bearer Securities," Federal Reserve Bank of New York Circulars (March 20, 1951). https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/466/item/11147, accessed on September 7, 2023. Start link at page: More Information SUBJECTS: Law and legislation Federal Reserve Bank of New York ...
The Fed - Micro Data Reference Manual - Federal Reserve Board
Federal Register :: Final Clarification for Chemical Identification ...
2010年2月24日 · Building on several earlier interim policies, EPA promulgated a rule in the Federal Register issue of May 13, 1983 (48 FR 21722) setting forth procedures for the submission, receipt, and health and safety review of PMNs covering chemical substances not yet in commerce when required under TSCA section 5, 15 U.S.C. 2604.
Fed 3675-2-11-14-2LH | API #49-009-43946 | Wold Energy …
2014年2月11日 · Details for well Fed 3675-2-11-14-2LH | API # 49-009-43946 | operated by Wold Energy Partners LLC in Converse County, WY
Federal Register Citation
87 FR 3675 Design Updates: As part of our ongoing effort to make FederalRegister.gov more accessible and easier to use we've made changes to our desktop and mobile layouts. Read more in our feature announcement . Multiple documents found for the citation 87 FR 3675 .
Collective Bargaining Agreements
OPM also requires that other arbitration awards must be submitted within 30 days of issuance. Agencies should also provide OPM with copies of collective-bargaining agreements. This promotes transparency by allowing the public to view the types of agreements reached between agencies and Federal sector unions.
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Navy Federal Credit Union Chandler, AZ - Phone, Contact & Hours, Online Banking, Branch Locations, Member Reviews, Rates, Service Status - 3675 W Chandler Boulevard
Pharmaceutical Research and Mfrs of America v. McClain, No. 22-3675 …
2024年3月12日 · Act 1103 prohibits pharmaceutical manufacturers from limiting the ability of healthcare providers, who are eligible for drug pricing discounts under the Section 340B Program, to contract with outside pharmacies for drug distribution.
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