Flying Autonomous Robotics(FAR) | FAST Lab
Fei Gao is currently a tenured associate professor (doctoral supervisor) at the Department of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, where he works as the deputy-director and the technical leader of the Field Autonomous System and Computing (FAST) Laboratory, and leads the Flying Autonomous Robotics(FAR)group.
Fei Gao - Google Scholar
Fei Gao. Associate Professor, Zhejiang University. Verified email at zju.edu.cn - Homepage. Aerial Robotics Motion Planning Autonomous Navigation. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. ... Y Lin, F Gao, T Qin, W Gao, T Liu, W Wu, Z Yang, S Shen. Journal of Field Robotics 35 (1), 23-51, 2018. 294:
Fei Gao - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Zhejiang University, College of Information Science & Electronic Engineering - 引用次数:7,046 次 - Electromagnetics - Photonic Crystals - Metamaterials - Plasmonics - Topological Photonics
Fei Gao | Faculty Directory | Indiana Kelley
2024年9月24日 · Gao, F., & Su, X. (2020). New Models of Strategic Customers in the Age of Omnichannel Retailing. In S. Ray and S. Lin (Eds.) Channel Strategies and Marketing Mix in a Connected World (147-164), Springer.
Fei Gao — UMich MSE - University of Michigan
Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences. Fundamental understanding of ion-solid interaction and radiation effects in ceramics and reactor materials, interfacial and nanostructure evolution of semiconductors, radiation detector materials, and development and application of multi-scale computer simulation for materials modeling.
高 飞 Fei Gao
Fei Gao is currently with the Intelligent Information Processing (IIP) Lab. and Hangzhou Institute of Technology, at Xidian University. He received his Bachelor Degree in Electronic Engineering and Ph.D. Degree in Information and Communication Engineering from Xidian University (Xi’an, China) in 2009 and 2015, respectively.
FAST Lab | 无人系统与自主计算实验室
Welcome to the website of FAST (Field Autonomous System & compuTing) Lab led by Prof. Chao Xu and Prof. Fei Gao. Our Lab is part of the Institute of Cyber-Systems and Control (CSC) at Zhejiang University.
Fei GAO (高飞) | Professor (Assistant) | PhD - ResearchGate
Fei GAO (高飞), Professor (Assistant) | Cited by 5,975 | of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou (ZJU) | Read 131 publications | Contact Fei GAO (高飞)
Fei Gao | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Dr. Gao was the recipient of the IEEE TRO 2020 King-Sun Fu Best Paper Award Honorable Mention, the IEEE SSRR 2016 best paper award, and the IEEE/RSJ IROS 2021 Best Application Paper Finalist. He is currently an Associate Editor for IET Cyber-Systems and Robotics and the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.
Fei GAO - Google Scholar
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 28 (6 …