TEM Imaging | Transmission Electron Microscopy | Thermo …
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a high-resolution imaging technique in which a beam of electrons passes through a thin sample to produce an image. The electron beam is …
FEI Company - Wikipedia
FEI Company (Field Electron and Ion Company) was an American company that designed, manufactured, and supported microscope technology. Headquartered in Hillsboro, Oregon, …
FEI公司 - 百度百科
FEI Titan S/TEM 产品系列 包括全球功能最强大的商用 S/TEM: Titan 80-300、Titan Krios™、Titan3™ 和 Titan ETEM(环境 TEM)。 所有 Titans 均使用 革命性 的 80-300 kV 电子镜筒, …
Electron Microscopy | Thermo Fisher Scientific - US
Electron microscopes fire electrons and create images, magnifying micrometer and nanometer structures by up to ten million times, providing a spectacular level of detail, even allowing …
FEI公司简介 - 赛默飞电子显微镜(原FEI) - 分析测试百科网
2015年10月2日 · FEI Titan S/TEM 产品系列包括全球功能最强大的商用 S/TEM: Titan 80-300、Titan Krios™、Titan3™ 和 Titan ETEM(环境 TEM)。 所有 Titans 均使用革命性的 80-300 …
Tecnai F20 TEM, formerly produced by FEI | Center for Electron ...
The Tecnai F20 microscope is a field emission 200kV S/TEM with an X-TWIN objective lens and high brightness field emission electron gun (FEG) optimized for analytical work. This objective …
TEM: FEI Tecnai Transmission Electron Microscope
The FEI Tecnai G2 F20 X-TWIN Transmission Electron Microscope has a field-emission gun (FEG) for high brightness and coherency, STEM imaging with both EDS and EELS analytical …
FEI TEM Operation Manuals - globalsino.com
Want to discuss advanced EM techniques for failure analysis in semiconductors, and more? Click Here. TEM Operation Procedure. Microscope Alignments. Load a TEM holder into a …
FEI Tecnai T12 Transmission Electron Microscope
A transmission electron microscope (TEM) with an operating voltage range of 20 to 120 kV. Capabilities include magnifications of thin samples (<200 nm) up to 700,000 times, an energy …
Titan 80-300 TEM - Electron Imaging Center for Nanosystems
The FEI Titan family currently offers the Titan 80-300 TEM, the world’s most powerful, commercially-available scanning transmission electron microscope. Titan is the next …