魏 飞-清华大学化学工程系 - Tsinghua University
致力于多相反应器的新概念及新理论研究、研发用于煤及石油化工、纳米材料、清洁能源化学品、环境等领域的新型过程及设备。 国家 杰出青年基金(1997)获得者。 绿色反应工程与工艺 北京市重点实验室主任。 主持设计30余台多相反应 器投入商业运行,如2000吨/年纳米聚团流化床法碳纳米管、60万吨/年流化床甲醇制丙烯(在建)、3万吨/ 年流化床法甲醇制芳烃及10万吨/年流化床法 …
Wenli FEI | PostDoc Position | Doctor of Atmospheric Physics
Wenli FEI, PostDoc Position | Cited by 34 | | Read 8 publications | Contact Wenli FEI
Wenli Fei | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Wenli Fei was born in Enshi, Hubei province, China, in October 18, 1990. She received the B.E. and M.S. degrees in 2012 and 2014, respectively, from the School of Electrical Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, where she is working toward the Ph.D. degree since 2015, and is engaged in research and development of a power flow controller.
Fei Wei - Google Scholar
Fei Wei. Professor of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University. Verified email at tsinghua.edu.cn - Homepage. ... T Wei, Q Zhang, R Zhang, L Zhi, F Wei. Advanced Functional Materials 22 (12), 2632-2641, 2012. 2088: 2012: A review of solid electrolyte interphases on lithium metal anode. XB Cheng, R Zhang, CZ Zhao, F Wei, JG Zhang, Q Zhang ...
Wenli Fei (0000-0002-2392-3241) - ORCID
Wenli Fei Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology: Nanjing, Jiangsu, CN 2014-09-01 to 2018-06-20 | Bachelor (School of Atmospheric Physics)
魏飞教授及其研究团队以生态化工为理念,发展物质转化过程中原子、分子组装、催化反应动力学、微纳米过程流动与传递,过程放大及工程化等一系列涉及颗粒-流体作用的新概念、新技术、新方法及新过程。 这包括涉及到流固多相流动与反应的理论及实际问题。 所研究的方向包括: 1. 气固湍流流动结构及新概念反应器,如气固超短接触反应器(下行床反应器)催化裂化过程、甲醇流化床催化裂解制丙烯技术(FMTP)、甲醇流化床制芳烃技术(FMTA)二甲醚制低碳烯烃过 …
Fei Wei - Google Scholar
Professor of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University - 引用次数:65,240 次 - Carbon nanotubes - Chemical Engineering - fluidization - catalysis - graphene
About Me - Fei Wei’s Homepage
I am currently a research scientist working at the Tongyi Institute of Alibaba Group. In the past, I held a position as a research fellow at the National University of Singapore from late 2022 to early 2024 (hosted by Prof.Xiaokui Xiao).
清华大学魏飞团队研究成果今日再登Nature:单分子成像技术 - 知乎
2021年4月21日,清华大学魏飞教授团队在Nature发文”A single-molecule van der Waals compass”,采用积分差分相位衬度扫描透射电子显微技术 (iDPC-STEM),成功实现单个对二甲苯 (PX)分子在准二维 ZSM-5分子筛 骨架内的直接成像。 2022年4月28日,魏飞教授团队再次在Science发文”In situ imaging of the sorption-induced subcell topological flexibility of a rigid zeolite framework”,再次通过iDPC-STEM成像技术实时原位观测ZSM-5分子筛的苯分子吸附-脱附过 …
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