Nature Energy:能够和铂媲美的高稳定Fe-N-C氧还原催化剂
Improvement in ORR Durability of Fe Single-Atom Carbon …
2024年7月11日 · Benefiting from the multienzyme-like activities of CeO 2, ROS generated from FeNC is instantaneously eliminated to alleviate the corrosion of carbon and demetallization of metal sites. Consequently, FeNC/CeO 2 exhibits better ORR durability with a decay of only 5 mV compared to FeNC (18 mV) in neutral electrolyte after 10k cycles.
High loading of single atomic iron sites in Fe–NC oxygen ... - Nature
2022年4月25日 · Non-precious iron-based catalysts (Fe–NCs) require high active site density to meet the performance targets as cathode catalysts in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Site...
Insights into the activity of single-atom Fe-N-C catalysts for
2022年4月19日 · Single-atom Fe-N-C catalysts has attracted widespread attentions in the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). However, the origin of ORR activity on Fe-N-C catalysts is still unclear,...
Structural engineering of Fe single-atom oxygen ... - ScienceDirect
2024年11月1日 · Herein, we present a structural engineering approach employing a soft-template coating strategy to fabricate a hollow and hierarchically porous N-doped carbon framework anchored with atomically dispersed Fe sites (FeNC-h) as an efficient ORR catalyst.
Chemical vapour deposition of Fe–N–C oxygen reduction ... - Nature
2021年6月10日 · FeNC-CVD-750 exhibited the highest ORR activity (Supplementary Fig. 2) with a half-wave potential of 0.85 V (Fig. 2a) and kinetic current density, j k, of 20 mA cm −2 (25 mA per milligram ...
In situ57Fe mössbauer study of a porphyrin based FeNC catalyst for ORR
2021年11月1日 · FeNC catalysts are important substitutes for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in fuel cells. This work reports on an in situ Mössbauer spectroelectrochemical study of a porphyrin-based catalyst.
Nano Res.│武汉理工大学赵焱教授课题组:FeNC催化剂理论计算 …
2022年7月13日 · 在众多单原子催化剂中(tm-n-c)中,fenc催化剂表现出适宜的氧物种吸附,因此具有较高的氧还原(orr)活性。 然而FeNC催化剂依然难以达到理想的ORR性能。
Controlling active sites of Fe–N–C electrocatalysts for oxygen ...
2020年12月1日 · In this study, FeNC electrocatalysts with varying Fe/C ratios show different Fe@C/Fe–Nx ratios and ORR activities. Increasing the carbon content increases the Fe–N x site density while decreasing the size of the Fe nanoparticles and the thickness of the carbon coating layer, thus enhancing the ORR activity.
最新AM: 轴向配体调控助力富介孔Fe-N-C-催化剂高效催化ORR
2023年12月14日 · 在碱性介质中, fe-n-c催化剂 具有优异的 氧还原反应 (orr)性能。为了提高fe-n-c催化剂中fe单原子位点的固有orr活性,微调fe位点的局部配位以优化orr中间体的结合能势在必行。