Identification of durable and non-durable FeNx sites in Fe–N–C ...
2020年12月7日 · From in situ 57 Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy in inert gas coupled to calculations of the Mössbauer signature of FeN x moieties in different electronic states, we identify S1 to be a high-spin FeN 4 C...
Controlling active sites of Fe–N–C electrocatalysts for oxygen ...
2020年12月1日 · In this study, FeNC electrocatalysts with varying Fe/C ratios show different Fe@C/Fe–Nx ratios and ORR activities. Increasing the carbon content increases the Fe–N x site density while decreasing the size of the Fe nanoparticles and the thickness of the carbon coating layer, thus enhancing the ORR activity.
Active Site Identification in FeNC Catalysts and Their Assignment …
2021年1月18日 · FeNC catalysts are the most promising substitutes for Pt-based catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in proton exchange fuel cells. However, it remains unclear which FeN 4 moieties contribute to the reaction mechanism and in which way.
A facile strategy to prepare FeNx decorated PtFe intermetallic with ...
2023年9月1日 · X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) was used to study the electronic states and coordination environment of each component. The X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES, Fig. 2 c) spectra at the Pt L3-edge show that PtO 2 has strong white line (WL) intensity, which proves the existence of Pt oxidation state. However, the WL strength of CNT ...
Chemical vapour deposition of Fe–N–C oxygen reduction ... - Nature
2021年6月10日 · Herein we implement a chemical vapour deposition (CVD) synthesis, flowing iron chloride vapour over a bed of Zn–N–C material, to preferentially form accessible Fe–N 4 sites with self-optimized Fe...
On the Stability of an Atomically-Dispersed Fe−N−C ORR Catalyst: …
2024年8月26日 · In this work, we employ in-situ X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) to monitor the active-site degradation byproducts of an atomically dispersed Fe−N−C ORR catalyst under a H 2 /O 2 -operating PEMFC at 90 % relative humidity and 80 °C. For this, stability tests were carried out at two constant cell voltages, namely 0.4 and at 0.8 V.
Study of the evolution of FeN - ScienceDirect
2021年4月1日 · The identification of the iron species on Fe–N-DCB, namely Fe environment, coordination and oxidation and their evolution after the ASTs has been accomplished by the Fe K-edge XAS, using Fe Phthalocyanine (with Fe 2+ coordinated to N in FeN 4), Fe 3 C, Fe-oxides and metallic Fe as standards.
FeNC Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalyst with High Utilization Penta ...
2023年2月4日 · Atomic Fe in N-doped carbon (FeNC) electrocatalysts for oxygen (O 2) reduction at the cathode of proton exchange membrane fuel cells are the most promising alternative to platinum-group-metal catalysts. Despite recent progress on atomic FeNC O 2 reduction, their controlled synthesis and stability for practical applications remain challenging. A ...
厦门大学孙世刚/姜艳霞&重庆大学张斌伟团队ACS Nano:超低Pt负载提升Fe-N-C …
Nature Energy:能够和铂媲美的高稳定Fe-N-C氧还原催化剂
为此,武刚教授团队开发了一种高稳定性、高活性Fe-N-C的制备方法,通过调变FeN4位点的碳结构和配位环境,实现了所合成的催化剂在保证高活性的同时兼具出色的稳定性。 研究首先采用高温处理包含Fe2O3纳米颗粒的ZIF-8前驱体,随后,关键的高温NH4Cl处理为其提供丰富的缺陷。 所制备的Fe-N-C催化剂(Fe-AC)具有大量高活性的S1位点,在酸性条件下,半波电位(E1/2)高达0.915 VRHE,显著高于商业Pt/C催化剂;在燃料电池测试条件下,其面积比活性高达41.1 mA …