Anyone tried a Fender Deluxe 90? - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2009年7月30日 · The offerings from the major manufacturers are not in this category. You didin't ask if the Deluxe 90 yielded a 'halfway decent approximation' of tube sonics in your first post. …
Fender Deluxe 90 DSP - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2014年5月27日 · Welcome to the forum! Don't know about the Deluxe 90 DSP itself, but I own a Deluxe 112 Plus, which is two models earlier. The Deluxe 90 came out after that, but the only …
Fender Deluxe 90 - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2012年2月11日 · I have gigged with the Deluxe 90 amp several times. It stays in the shop more than on the stage. The reverb went out on it. I took it to the Amp Doctor in Houston located on …
Fender Deluxe 90 DSP Amp - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2015年8月14日 · I recently dug out my older SS Fender Deluxe 90 DSP amp. It has a Celestion stock speaker and sounds pretty decent for a solid-state amp. WhatbI never could figure out is …
Anyone have any experience with the Deluxe 90 (ss)?
2007年4月18日 · I had a Fender Deluxe 112, which is the model before the Deluxe 90, clean and gain channels w reverb, no effects. For a SS amp I thought it sounded great, not the same as …
Anyone else playing through a Fender Deluxe 90?
2003年12月28日 · I know this board is predominately tube territory, but I was wondering if anyone else is playing through a (SS) Deluxe 90. I have the DSP version and I am pretty happy with it. …
fender deluxe 90 - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2011年11月17日 · The Fender Deluxe 90 is one of the crappiest amplifiers ever made by any manufacturer. They sound like crap and break down lots. I had 2 of them. Researched what …
Fender Deluxe 112 vs Deluxe 112 plus - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2021年1月18日 · My research indicates that the Deluxe 112 is rated at 65 watts, where the Deluxe 112 Plus is rated at 90 watts. Can't see any other differences. Fender really worked …
Fender Deluxe 112 PLUS Solid State - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2016年1月27日 · Just snagged one for a lo cost, supposedly in very nice shape. Some pretty nice reviews for this small 90 watt/12"/Solid State amp. Mid 90's amp I believe. Any comments on …
Fender Deluxe 90 speaker swap - Telecaster Guitar Forum
2022年3月12日 · I bought a MIM Deluxe 90 because many people wrote good things about the great clean sound of the amp. I was a bit disappointed. Then I came across the Yamaha …