Ferranti - Wikipedia
Ferranti, officially known as Ferranti International PLC, was a UK-based electrical engineering and equipment firm that operated for over a century, from 1885 until its bankruptcy in 1993. At its peak, Ferranti was a significant player in power grid systems, defense electronics, and computing, and was once a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index.
公司介绍_费兰蒂电气/费兰蒂仪表 - Ferranti-electric
费兰蒂电气是费兰蒂国际旗下核心业务板块,是全球知名电气元件及设备制造商,费兰蒂电气在设计和制造用于恶劣气候或关键安全领域的复杂、高可靠性电气产品方面拥有悠久的历史,并提供了大量用于军用及民用的电气产品解决方案,费兰蒂国际旗下产品超过60%是为国防合同服务。 费兰蒂电气提供全面的产品和服务,包括发电机、工业仪表、变压器、开关设备和控制与监控系统,是您的理想合作伙伴。 Copyright©2021 费兰蒂电气 All right deserved. 沪ICP备2021036656号-1.
FERRANTI (费兰蒂),始创于1880年,总部位于英格兰西北部的奥尔德姆,专业生产可编程继电保护,真空断路器,智能中压开关柜,自愈式电容器,节能环保型变压器,多功能仪表,框架断路器,智能低压开关柜,环保气体绝缘环网柜,可编程低压电机保护。
Ferranti | A TT Electronics Power and Control Brand | TT Electronics
Ferranti Power & Control offers a comprehensive range of military power supplies designed and engineered for aerospace applications. Ferranti Power & Control has decades of experience in the design and manufacture of complex power & control technology for land vehicles.
Ferranti-electric - Programmable relay protection_ Vacuum circuit ...
Ferranti has 176 patents for alternator, high-voltage cable, circuit breaker, transformer and turbine in his life. Ferranti electric provides a comprehensive range of products and services, including generators, transformers, switchgear and control and monitoring systems.
费兰蒂 - 华文百科
Ferranti 或 Ferranti International Plc 是一家英国 电气工程 和设备公司,从1885年开始运营超过一个世纪,直到1993年破产。 该公司曾经是 FTSE 100指数 的组成部分。 该公司以在 电网 系统和国防 电子 领域的工作而闻名。
Ferranti - Archives of IT
Ferranti was a significant UK electrical engineering and equipment firm, known for defence electronics, power grids and the world’s first commercially available computer, the Ferranti Mark 1, made and sold to Manchester University in 1951. Mavis Hinds, photographed in the late 1950s with a Ferranti Mk 1 in Manchester
发展历程_费兰蒂电气(中国)有限公司 - Ferranti-electric
中山民众天然气热电冷联产工程项目规划建设3套燃气-蒸汽联合循环供热机组,本期建设2套,同步建设烟气脱硝装置。 项目位于广东省中山市民众镇沙仔村境内,年供热能力为240万吨,是广东省、中山市重点工程。 项目建成后,成为中山电网主力电厂之一,对满足中山市工业集中供热的快速增长、提高中山电网的安全稳定性、改善电源布局,以及提高社会经济效益等方面都有重要作用。 3月1日上午11时,中铁八局电务公司在乌龙潭隧道出口处举行寻沾高速公路机电工程开工仪 …
Ferranti Power
Ferranti Power, a global EPC and consultancy firm, specializes in cutting-edge electro-mechanical projects across industries. Their focus areas include power, sugar, chemical, cement, and steel.
发展历程_费兰蒂电气/费兰蒂仪表 - Ferranti-electric
费兰蒂电气/费兰蒂仪表 网址:www.ferranti-electric.com 电话: 4006 450 500 传真:021 575 39 399 总机:021 575 29 299 邮箱:sales@ferranti ...
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