Placenta: anatomy and function - Kenhub
2023年10月26日 · The fetal surface of the placenta (or chorionic plate) is covered by the amnion, or amniotic membrane, which gives this surface a shiny appearance. The amniotic membrane secretes amniotic fluid which serves as a protection and cushion for the fetus, while also facilitating exchanges between the mother and fetus.
Examination of the Placenta | AAFP
The fetal surface of the placenta should be shiny, gray and translucent enough that the color of the underlying maroon villous tissue may be seen. At term, the typical umbilical cord is 55 to...
Placental surface shape, function, and effects of maternal and fetal ...
The fetal surface of the placenta was wiped dry and placed on a clean surface after which the extraplacental membranes and umbilical cord were trimmed from the placenta. The fetal surface was photographed with the Lab ID number and 3 cm. of a plastic ruler in the field of view using a standard high-resolution digital camera (minimum image size ...
Placenta (singleton) | Gross Pathology Manual - University of …
Inspect maternal surface, noting any significant areas of disrupted cotyledons, fibrosis or infarct. Estimate the percentage of disrupted maternal surface. Serially section the placenta, starting from the maternal surface through to the fetal surface looking for …
On the fetal surface, we can observe the umbilical cord, the link between the placenta and the fetus. The fetal surface of the placenta is covered by a structure called the amnion, or amniotic membrane.
Gross Examination of the Placenta and Its Importance in …
2015年10月30日 · Placenta, a fascinating multifunctional organ, of fetal origin, plays a pivotal conciliatory role during pregnancy by being intimately connected to the mother and her baby. The importance of placenta is irrefutable, being an exceptional (and easily-accessible) source of information which echoes the intrauterine environment.
Placental structure, function and drug transfer | BJA Education ...
2014年5月30日 · The placenta is a disc-shaped organ which provides the sole physical link between mother and fetus. During pregnancy, the placenta grows to provide an ever-larger surface area for materno-fetal exchange. At term, the placenta weighs almost 500 g, has a diameter of 15–20 cm, a thickness of 2–3 cm, and a surface area of almost 15 m 2. 1
Placental surface shape, function, and effects of maternal and fetal …
We measure the average placental shape in a birth cohort and the effect deviations from the average have on placental functional efficiency. We test whether altered placental shape improves the specificity of histopathology diagnoses of maternal uteroplacental and fetoplacental vascular pathology for clinical outcomes.
Evaluation of the Placenta - ScienceDirect
2018年1月1日 · This discussion will focus on the major histologic features of the placental disc, beginning with the fetal surface and proceeding to the maternal surface. Each layer will initially be briefly described histologically, and major pathologic findings of the various components of each layer will be summarized.
Development and Physiology of the Placenta and Membranes
When viewed from the fetal surface, the placenta is a flat, smooth disk with the umbilical cord entering perpendicularly near its center. Fetal vessels radiate from the umbilical cord between the amnion and chorion like the spokes of a wheel (Fig. 5).