FETV | Page 2 | Xfinity Community Forum
2020年5月18日 · What happened to FETV in Sacramneto and San Francisco? Another great GREAT network gone. Now i'm having withdrawls. Put it back on! Also why don't you carry …
FeTV Channel 110 Where Are You? | Xfinity Community Forum
2024年1月9日 · I pay Comcast $320.00 a month for tv and internet. FETV is one of a handful of stations that I watch and you take it away. Shame on you, Comcast. I’m retired and plan my …
2020年7月2日 · The time has come to set the record straight: FETV has never been compensated for carriage on any Comcast system. In fact, FETV has made multiple offers to compensate …
fetv and metv - Xfinity Community Forum
2024年1月1日 · MeTV is a broadcast network carried by a local TV station. As long as that station remains affiliated with MeTV, and Comcast has an agreement with that station, it should …
FETV | Xfinity Community Forum
2020年5月18日 · Earlier today FETV (channel 81) was off, with a message that suggested that Comcast may have dropped the channel permanently. Now, it reads, "The station normally …
FETV purported cancellation | Xfinity Community Forum
2024年1月2日 · FETV channel has been removed by Xfinity. I just turned on my tv and selected the FETV channel and got a message that the channel is no longer available. This is …
2024年1月22日 · Noticing a few complaints recently on current TV offerings, thought I'd alert people to some excellent upcoming episodes from one of TV's best-- classic Perry Mason. I'm …
FETV | Page 5 | Xfinity Community Forum
2020年5月18日 · FE TV states “our channel would no longer be available in your market on Comcast against our wishes”. “We have made multiple offers to compensate Comcast for …
Fetv | Xfinity Community Forum
2024年1月12日 · I pay $320.00 a month for tv and internet. FETV is one of a handful of channels I watch. I’m retired and plan my day around my tv. Stop being so greedy Comcast and put …
FETV warning | Xfinity Community Forum
2023年12月12日 · FETV is a free channel to Xfinity, but Xfinity is thinking of dropping the channel. I believe a lot of people are getting sick of Xfinity taking channels and choices away from us …