Mines - FEZ Game Wiki
The Mines is an area located in the Natural Region that can be entered after clearing a path with a bomb at the Crying Waterfall. A total of 3 rooms make up the Mines. The first room is the starting point when the player enters here. To proceed, they …
The Mines - Fez Guide - IGN
The mines require the use of bombs to gain access. Keep an eye out for cracked walls. They are your ticket to progression. In the later rooms of the mines, you will have to blow up walls and rotate...
The Ultimate Guide to FEZ - Steam Community
2023年5月4日 · This guide is basically a very detailed walk through of the game, FEZ. Everything you will ever need to know about this game and its obstacles will be revealed here. If you're stuck and/or are afraid
How to bomb the purple walls to prevent them from resetting?
2019年10月20日 · Just playing Fez for the first time and loving it so far! I’m 2-3 hours in and am currently in an area that requires bombing linked segments of purple walls. Sometimes the walls reset (changing to black and then back to cracked walls), and sometimes they stay bombed.
FEZ: A Guide for the Dimensionally Challenged. (V 0.21)
2019年12月28日 · Flip twice to reveal the backside of the waterfall. A bomb rests there. Listen to what Dot has to say about it, and then pick up the bomb and flip to the right to reveal a doorway with a strange sort of loose rock. This loose rock can be broken by bombs. Place the bomb at the doorway, which is shown in the picture.
Fez Cube Guide – Main Hub – Waterfall Area - XBLAFans
Well, many things in Fez behave that way, and one such thing is bombs. Bit – Bomb explosions cause chain reactions, destroying wall fragments piece by piece. These chain reactions can occur...
Fez Guide and Walkthrough - Giant Bomb
A puzzle platformer developed by Polytron that uses a 2D perspective shifting mechanic to solve puzzles and complete levels. The main character, a white creature named Gomez, wears a fez and is obsessed with collecting hats.
Fez - Guide and Walkthrough - PC - By AbsoluteSteve - GameFAQs
2013年5月3日 · The FEZ “sound”, musically speaking, is raw waveforms, bitcrushing, reverb, delay, and slow pitch LFO to emulate the sound of a bad cassette tape. AS: Some of the tracks have a night version. How...
Giant Waterfall Node - Fez Guide - IGN
Giant Waterfall- Node 1 - This door is on the main structure right above the water, and must be blasted open with the bomb. Giant Waterfall - Node 2 - This door is on the side of the main...
Puzzle solution thread.... - Fez - GameFAQs
Simply set the bombs off and rotate the world as they explode to show the whole explosion and the bomb effect will remain allowing you to climb. Move forward. Press the triggers when you can't go...