Final Fantasy VI characters
The following is a list of characters from Final Fantasy VI. Connections between Final Fantasy VI Characters at the Connections Project.
Terra Branford | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
Terra Branford, known as Tina in the Japanese version, is a playable character in Final Fantasy VI. Her name in menus before the player names her is displayed as ????? and her "name" in dialogue is Girl. Terra begins the game as a soldier for …
最终幻想VI/人物 - 最终幻想中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网 …
最终幻想VI 子言姐姐 于9个月前 修改了 此页面。 幻兽与人类的孩子,不知“爱”为何物的少女,她体内蕴含着 魔导 之力,有着幻兽的血统,天生就有着非凡的魔力。 她被 格斯塔拉帝国 控制了精神,被当作 魔导战士 派往前线。 在被 洛克 解救之后,她获得了自由之身,并加入了反帝国组织“ 回归者 ”。 当世界被隶属于帝国的魔导师 凯夫卡 毁灭后,蒂娜在与孩子们一起生活的过程中,领悟到了以前一直不明白的“爱”为何物。 为了守护孩子们,她决心要好好守护这个世界。 栖身于反 …
Terra Branford - Wikipedia
Terra is the heroine representing Final Fantasy VI in Dissidia: Final Fantasy, a crossover fighting game featuring different characters from the Final Fantasy series. [15] She returns in Dissidia 012 as a member of the evil Chaos army, and also appears in the next game, Dissidia NT with an alternate appearance featuring her green hair from ...
Girl - Final Fantasy VI - Guides - Gamer Corner Guides
Girl is a support Monster for Sleep. She'll frequently use Pearl Wind, and can inflict Psyche with her Calmness special (not to be confused with Sleep's Calmness special, which causes Wound). She has only 9,999, is weak against all Elements, and will bring Sleep back with Life 2 if he's defeated first, so defeat her quickly.
Relm Arrowny | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
Relm Arrowny is a playable character in Final Fantasy VI. She is a young but talented artist from Thamasa and Strago's adopted granddaughter. As a descendant of the Magi, Relm can naturally channel magic, which she does through her ability to Sketch monsters and bring them to life.
Final Fantasy VI/Characters - StrategyWiki
2023年4月23日 · Celes is the product of a Imperial human weapon project, an experimental procedure to create humans capable of naturally using magic. This makes her a bit of a hybrid, well-suited to both physical attacks but also learning magic naturally as Terra does. She's a tough woman, but that exterior serves to hide the deep regrets she holds for her past.
Final Fantasy VI – The First Female Protagonist
2020年12月13日 · Final Fantasy VI is groundbreaking in its attempts to tell the stories of strong, meaningful female characters. Though the game appears to have an ensemble cast on the surface, there is no doubt that the heart of the game’s …
31年前彰显游戏艺术的史诗巨作【最终幻想6】特色设计与全剧情 …
简介:爆肝2万字耗时20天用心之作。时长56分钟,讲讲FF6的特色;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 62301、弹幕量 641、点赞数 5069、投硬币枚数 2489、收藏人数 3435、转发人数 174, 视频作者 高子远, 作者简介 游戏 ...
Terra Branford | Heroes Wiki - Fandom
Terra Branford is the main protagonist of the 1994 role-playing video game Final Fantasy VI. She is a human-Esper hybrid who is initially introduced as an unwilling servant of the Gestahlian Empire, having been brainwashed and enslaved by Kefka Palazzo to further his own goals.