Auction House (Final Fantasy VI) | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
The Auction House is a location in Final Fantasy VI located in the city of Jidoor where the player can bid on various randomly appearing items. Most items are sold infinite times, but there are …
Guardian (Final Fantasy VI) | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
The Guardian is a boss in Final Fantasy VI. It is the most powerful Magitek warmachine, created to defend the Imperial Palace in Vector. When encountered the first three times, it is …
Magitek | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
In Final Fantasy VI, magitek is the general term for technology powered by magic derived from espers by the Gestahlian Empire. In Final Fantasy XIV, Magitek refers to the Garlean Empire …
Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough - Caves of Narshe
Chaser robots can shoot Magitek Lasers and weaken opponents by use of Dischord (which halves their level, as I explained with Satellite, their palette swap). It can also attack with a …
Is there any way to buy the imp robot, chocobo, or airship
2011年12月6日 · I'm just wondering. the thought of having an imp robot as part of the party is pretty cool to me. not to mention having my own chocobo. and rebuilding the blackjack is also …
最终幻想VI - 最终幻想中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技 …
《最终幻想6》 (FINAL FANTASY VI 简称FF6)是日本史克威尔于1994年4月2日于SUPER Famicom平台推出的RPG游戏,定价11400日元(不含税),是《最终幻想》唯一一部售价超 …
[專題] FF6 機械一覽表 – LuLu總裁
2022年3月8日 · 而 2022 年發售的 Pixel Remaster (PR版) 沒有追加的魔石與魔法,也沒有隱藏迷宮「龍穴」及「靈魂祠」,部份資料可能不同,查閱時請留意。 [物理] [敵全] [無防: ] [無回:? …
《最终幻想Ⅵ》是由日本 SQUARE 公司于1994年推出的SFC平台 角色扮演游戏,是《最终幻想》系列作品的第六作。 [1] 游戏讲述了玩家扮演的光之战士,为了拯救世界展开冒险的故事。 [2] …
Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough - Caves of Narshe
Welcome to our Final Fantasy VI walkthrough, edited and expanded from Djibriel's original to make it faster and more web-y than ever before. Enjoy the rigorous attention to detail and …
FF6 Easter Egg? : r/FFVIIRemake - Reddit
2023年8月14日 · There was a tiny version of these in the northern snow regions. A small robot that shoots out energy bullets from its hands. There are a couple of armor suits on display as …