the FFB desiccant dehumidifier line is designed to integrate "small footprint and finish" of a commercial unit with "the ruggedness" of the industrial dehumidifier. with over 55 years of field experience and more than 25,000 installations worldwide.
Compact Dehumidifier from Bry-Air with Less Footprint
The Bry-Air Compact Desiccant Dehumidifier FFB Series offers compact, lightweight, and cost-effective solutions, eliminating the need for extensive floor space. With a small footprint, it integrates commercial unit aesthetics with industrial ruggedness.
Bry-Air (Asia) Pvt Ltd - Pulp and Paper Technology
The Bry-Air FFB Series, 170 cmh through 3000 cmh (100 cfm to 1766 cfm) desiccant dehumidifier line is designed to integrate "small footprint and finish" of a commercial unit with "the ruggedness" of an industrial dehumidifier.
Rotor media has high performance metal silicates synthesized in situ. Rotor incorporates robust internal structure with stainless steel perimeter flange for industrial quality, durability and easy serviceability. Edge hard face coating on rotor ensures long life and good sealing for media and seals. Rotor is non-flammable with organics < 2%.
Enviro Process Engineering
FVB (凹槽立式转轮)是最新型的干燥剂除湿机,它包含一个高性能的金属硅酸盐凹槽转轮,确保以最低的能耗获得最大除湿效果. BRY-AIR FVB可以将除湿与预冷、后冷、旁通风管、混和室容量控制过滤器等任何设备组合,在任何应用条件下,都能实现完全的环境控制。 The BRY-AIR F V B (Fluted Vertical Bed) is the latest in desiccant dehumidifier technology. The F V B incorporates a custom-made fluted metal silicate desiccant synthesized rotor which ensures highest moisture removal …
2012年7月25日 · BRY-AIR, INC. 10793 St. Rt. 37 West . Ph: 740/965-2974 . Fax: 740/965-5470. E-mail: [email protected] . WARRANTY, TERMS & CONDITIONS. 1. Warranty. Except as provided herein, Bry-Air warrants that its goods will be free of manufacturing defects for a period of 12 months from the date of shipment from Bry-Air's plant. If, despite proper use of the goods, they are found to be defective
Desumidificador Industrial Série FFB - Bry-Air Brasil
O Desumidificador Industrial Série FFB da Bry-Air é a solução compacta ideal para enfrentar grandes desafios de controle de umidade. Projetado para combinar a simplicidade e acabamento de uma unidade compacta comercial com a potência de um desumidificador industrial, a Série FFB oferece capacidades de 170 a 4.500 m³/h.
ffb-300 柔性供料器 ffb-300 柔性供料器 ffb-300 音圈电机:配置4 套标准音圈电机, 实现零件在料盘表 面沿任意方向移 动,快速振散排列 零件。 背光源:24v多种 背光源颜色可选。 支持 i\o 或 rs232 交互,可外部控制 供料器启停,输出 供料器状态,可根 据客户要求定制
默玖斯官网 标签供料器 柔性振动盘
适用于单张离型纸不能做卷料的片料辅料的剥离,兼容不干胶标签、保护膜、二维码、麦拉、、泡棉、 导电布、导热硅片等物料,选用前推或后撤剥离结构,将物料剥离,再进行吸取贴附。 一家以自主研发、销售工业自动化模块、自动化设备、技术咨询、技术服务及相关配套服务的企业。 默玖斯(AIMDS)公司专注于自动化模块;积累了多年的自动化模块的设计及研发经验,为自动化行业研发更为核心的专业模块。 公司始终坚持科技创新、精益求精、专业决定品质、高效成就 …
Bry-Air FFB Series Compact Desiccant Dehumidifier
The Bry-Air FFB series compact dehumidifier provides a simple and cost-effective solution to humidity control. Available in 7 models, it is the largest capacity range in Compacts – from 170 cmh to 3000 cmh (100 cfm to 1766 cfm).