Fgfg - YouTube
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FFG vs. FFFG: What’s The Difference? - YouTube
In this video, I’ll demonstrate the difference between FFg and FFFg black powder. Be sure to subscribe to my channel for more videos. Thanks for watching!
What’s The Difference Between “Fg” And “FFFFg ... - YouTube
I should clarify that when I say “individual grain of powder” I mean an individual kernel or granule of powder. Not grain as in a unit of measurement.
What’s the Difference between FG and FFFFG Blackpowder?
2023年4月21日 · What does the F on blackpowder labels mean? The F on your powder label stands for “Fine”, and denotes the size or general size of the grains included in your powder …
What's the difference in fg ffg fffg and so on?
2015年2月4日 · The number of Fs refer to how finely the powder has been ground, ffffg being the finest and fg the coarsest. ffffg is mostly used as a priming charge for flintlock pans and fg is …
What Is FFFG Powder? - Powder Valley Outdoors
FG – an extremely coarse powder used in very large weapons like cannons. It’s generally reserved for battlefield reenactments. FFG – this is more heavily refined than FG powder. It’s …
Black Powder - IV: Powder Grain Sizes - Blogger
2016年7月10日 · Modern black powder purchased in the US since about the late 19th century, has been labeled with a combination of the letters F and g, for example Fg, FFg, FFFg etc. …
Triple 7 FFg vs. FFFG - Modern Muzzleloader Muzzleloading Forum
2007年8月6日 · Triple Seven granulated powder is intended for use in shotguns and rifles, 45 caliber and larger, as well as cartridges. FFFg: The same great powder as FFG with smaller …
What is the difference between FFG and FFFG powder?
2021年8月17日 · FFG is "good" quality medium grain rifle/musket powder. FFFG is finer grain, better suited for long rifle muzzle loads and can be used for ignition loads in a flintlock pan …
fffg vs ffg - American Longrifles
2014年8月6日 · Burnt, I have used FFFG granulation in my 54 Caliber for 30 yrs with no issues, as for the granulation charts im sure pressures are a factor.