Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)
FFI is the prime institution responsible for defence related research and development in Norway. Most reports are written in Norwegian, but all reports have an English summary you can read …
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment - Wikipedia
The Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt – FFI) is a research institute that conducts research and development on behalf of the Norwegian Armed Forces and provides expert advice to political and military defence leaders.
Information about the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment FFI
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) is the prime institution responsible for defence-related research in Norway. The Establishment is the chief adviser on defence-related science and technology to the Ministry of Defence and the Norwegian Armed Forces’ military organization.
Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI)
Forskningsprosjekter FFI er bindeleddet mellom Forsvaret, vitenskapelige miljøer og bedriftene som produserer utstyret Forsvaret bruker. Her i Norge står FFI for praktisk talt all teknologisk forskning og utvikling i forsvarssektoren. Det gir oss en svært viktig rolle.
Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt – Wikipedia
Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI) er en norsk statlig forskningsinstitusjon underlagt Forsvarsdepartementet med ansvar for forskning og utvikling for Forsvarets behov.
The Norwegian-American Defense Industry Council (NADIC), the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) and Innovation Norway (IN) are seeking applicants for its new program Launchpad for Innovative Norwegian Companies (LINC).
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) - The Faculty of ...
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) is the prime institution responsible for defence-related research in Norway. The Establishment is the chief adviser on defence-related science and technology to the Ministry of Defence and the Norwegian Armed Forces’ military organization.
Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt (FFI) - Norwegian Defence ... - Devex
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) is the prime institution responsible for defence-related research in Norway. The Establishment is the chief adviser on...
FFI ICE Worx – Forsvarsfondet
ICE Worx Arctic er et felles innovasjonssenter for hele forsvarssektoren. Her vil FFI sammen med Forsvaret legge til rette for økt samarbeid med etablerte og nye industribedrifter og forskningsmiljøer. Målet er å øke tilfanget av kompetanse, teknologi og nye løsninger som kan styrke forsvarsevne og beredskap.
Our service - English
We provide a wide range of research-based advice and recommendations to the defence sector, public and private actors. FFI conduct a wide range of analyses regarding the Armed Forces’ tasks, structure and finances, as well as laboratory analyses, simulation and modelling.
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