  1. Copilot 答案
    Video archiving

    For long-term preservation of digital video sustainable container formats as well as audio/video codecs a… 展开

    Applications supporting FFV1

    Here is a list of applications known to be able to read and/or write FFV1 video files, either natively or by installing codec packages.
    Entries marked with "-" means that they generally only su… 展开

    开发者FFmpeg team
    Compression details

    FFV1 is not strictly an intra-frame format; despite not using inter-frame prediction, it allows the context model to adapt over multiple frames. This can be useful for compression due to the very large size of the context table… 展开


    On April 16, 2006, a commit-message by Michael Niedermayer confirmed that the bitstream of FFV1 (version 1) is frozen:
    "ffv1 and ffvhuff haven't changed since a long time and no one proposed any changes within … 展开


    The current authoritative documentation was started in April 2012, and stayed in a very basic state until 2015. In 2015, as part of the IETF standardization process, the documentation is now improved and reviewed by the … 展开

    External links

    • RFC 9043 — FFV1 Video Coding Format Versions 0, 1, and 3 (Published 2021)
    FFV1 Specification development repository on GitHub
    • Format description of FFV1 from Library of Congress展开