FortiWiFi 60E 集成了内置的双频、双流接入点和内部天线,提供快 速 802.11 ac 无线接入。双频芯片组解决了非法接入点无线扫描的 PCI-DSS 合规要求,为受监管的环境提供最大安全防护 。 接口 1. USB 接口 2. 控制接口 3. 2x GE RJ45 广域网接口 4. 1x GE RJ45 DMZ 接口 …
飞塔防火墙fortinet fg 60e poe 家用优势分析 - 知乎
2023年5月27日 · 企业推荐用飞塔91g,家用依然说有性价比的飞塔FG 60E POE. 家里申请的是独立IP ,就是公网IP ,网络风险比普通家庭大,加个防火墙在情理之中吧. 家里有台NAS服务器,需要备份业务系统. 这台我不经常开. 暴露的是rsync端口,双向同步.
上手飞塔FortiGate-30E,试水企业级防火墙做家用路由(已补充虚 …
2024年2月4日 · 从卖家在产品页面写的详细描述来说,他做了很充分的测试,这台fg-30e,完全能应付千兆以内的宽带,最大可以跑到900m左右的速率,下载能到88mb/s。 这基本上也满足我目前家里电信500M宽带的要求吧,暂时没打算升级千兆,虽然我内网环境已经是2.5G了,但外网 ...
FORTINET FortiGate-60E / FG-60E Next Generation (NGFW) …
Fortinet FortiGate-60E / FG-60E Next Generation (NGFW) Firewall Appliance, 10 x GE RJ45 ports (including 7 x Internal Ports, 2 x WAN Ports, 1 x DMZ Port)- (Hardware only - No subscription services are included)
- 评论数: 96
FortiGate 60Eシリーズは、大規模企業の支社や小中規模企業に最適な、省スペースでファンレス設計の高 速なデスクトップ型セキュアSD-WAN ソリューションです。
It is small, lightweight yet highly reliable with superior MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure), minimizing the chance of a network disruption. A built-in dual-band, dual-stream access point with internal antennas is integrated on the FortiWiFi 60E …
The FortiGate 60E series offers an excellent Security and SD-WAN solution in a compact fanless desktop form factor for enterprise branch offices and mid-sized businesses. Protect against cyber
Targeted for distributed enterprises, the FortiGate 60E series contains consolidated security and networking functionality, various connectivity options along with Industry’s best performance in a compact form factor.
【FORTINET FortiGate-60E】报价_参数_图片_论坛_FORTINET FORTINET FortiGate-60E …
中关村在线为您提供FORTINET FortiGate-60E防火墙最新报价,同时包括飞塔FORTINET FortiGate-60E图片、飞塔FORTINET FortiGate-60E参数、飞塔FORTINET FortiGate-60E评测行情、飞塔FORTINET FortiGate-60E论坛、飞塔FORTINET FortiGate-60E点评和经销商价格等信息,为您购买FORTINET FortiGate-60E防火墙 ...
FORTINET FortiGate-60E参数 - 中关村在线
ZOL中关村在线飞塔FORTINET FortiGate-60E防火墙参数提供最全的飞塔FORTINET FortiGate-60E参数、飞塔FORTINET FortiGate-60E规格、飞塔FORTINET FortiGate-60E性能、飞塔FORTINET FortiGate-60E功能介绍,为您购买飞塔FORTINET FortiGate-60E防火墙提供有价值的参考
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