GitHub - fancompute/fdfdpy: Pure Python implementation of the …
This is a pure Python implementation of the finite difference frequency domain (FDFD) method. It makes use of scipy, numpy, matplotlib, and the MKL Pardiso solver. fdfdpy currently supports 2D geometries. See the ipython notebooks in notebooks. Some basic tests are included in tests/
GitHub - fancompute/angler: Frequency-domain photonic …
It provides a finite-difference frequency-domain (FDFD) solver for simulating for linear and nonlinear devices in the frequency domain. It also provides an easy to use package for adjoint-based inverse design and optimization of linear and nonlinear devices.
MaxwellFDFD - MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2020年8月12日 · MaxwellFDFD solves the above Maxwell's equations by the finite-difference frequency-domain (FDFD) method, and hence the name MaxwellFDFD. Press the “Download ZIP” button in the right panel of MaxwellFDFD's GitHub …
Finite-difference frequency-domain method - Wikipedia
The finite-difference frequency-domain (FDFD) method is a numerical solution method for problems usually in electromagnetism and sometimes in acoustics, based on finite-difference approximations of the derivative operators in the differential equation being solved. [1]
Electromagnetic and Photonic Simulation for the Beginner: Finite ...
Special techniques in MATLAB® are presented that will allow the reader to write their own FDFD programs. Key concepts in electromagnetics are reviewed so the reader can fully understand the calculations happening in FDFD.
Finite-Difference Complex-Frequency-Domain Method for …
2018年4月18日 · Abstract: The finite-difference frequency-domain (FDFD) method is one of the most effective methods for obtaining the frequency responses of specific optical components, such as thin films and guided wave structures. This letter describes an efficient algorithm based on the FDFD method to perform optical and plasmonic analyses.
14 - Finite difference frequency domain - Cambridge University …
2012年6月5日 · FDFD via the wave equation. The simplest way to set up an FDFD simulation is via the wave equation. This method is often most desirable as well; since it does not involve coupled equations, it does not require interleaving or a Yee cell, and all fields (E, H, and J) are co-located on the grid.
Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain Technique | SpringerLink
The Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain technique is a numerical technique for the solution of Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism in the frequency domain.
Basics of the Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain (FDFD) Method
In this chapter, fundamentals of Finite-Difference Method (FDM) are presented and three-dimensional Finite-Difference Frequency Domain Method (FDFD) formulations for isotropic media are derived. © 2013 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Alkan, E., Demir, V., Elsherbeni, A.Z., Arvas, E. (2013).
Basics of the FDFD Method - SpringerLink
This chapter presents a brief introduction to the FDFD method, which is an extended version to the finite difference method. The construction of the finite difference method from a given differential equation will thus be illustrated, which essentially …