Himiko - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Emerging from the distant past, Himiko makes her appearance! 古代日本に存在したとされる邪馬台国の女王。 鬼道と呼ばれる魔術を操り、能く民を惑わし治めたと伝わる。
Tamamo no Mae - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
A good-wife-aspirant, extravagant miko shaman. In the deathbed of the Heian Period, this peerless beauty served the retired emperor Toba. It has been said that she is the disguised appearance of the nine-tailed fox Hakumen Kinmō.
Himiko - TYPE-MOON Wiki
Himiko WP (卑弥呼?), Class Name Ruler (ルーラー, Rūrā?), is a Ruler -class Servant summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order. The queen of the land of Yamataikoku WP, said to have existed in ancient Japan. Legend tells that she was proficient at a magecraft called Kidou, and governed the masses in very mysterious ways.
Himiko | Servants - Fate/Grand Order Wiki - GamePress
Himiko is for Masters undergoing a challenging quest who need a way to win by survival, and is top-notch in the role. But the real reason Master’s should roll for her: She’s voiced by Tamura Yukari. Himiko at first glance is a decent staller, capable of invincibility one turn out of six with a beefy HP pool and Ruler typing.
米缸 - Mooncell - 玩家共同构筑的FGO中文Wiki
合起来的“mikon”,成了人设为“巫女狐”的 玉藻前 的口癖。 常用的翻译为“咪咕”(国服FGO游戏文本)或者“巫哼”(Fate/EXTELLA官方繁体中文版本与Fate/EXTELLA LINK官方简体中文版本)。 于 CCC联动 中出现的关卡“MICOOON BATTLE”正是 玉藻前 为boss的关卡,关卡名也来源于这一句口癖。 找Berserker啊! 梅林,用腮呼吸! 都是些……琐事……
FGO术阶英灵!贤妻狐——玉藻前 - 哔哩哔哩
小玉是一位在TYPE-MOON的游戏《Fate/EXTRA》及《Fate/EXTRA CCC》中首次登场的Servant------游戏中玩家可以选择召唤的Servant之一。 (小玉在Fate/EXTRA中,凭借其独特的人格魅力和人妻属性 ()、吐槽役能力 (删掉)就已经得到了大量的粉丝,在FGO中实装后更是引起了一波大骗氪,到如今更是上升为FGO第一蓝拐,堪称蓝卡队核心的存在,而且作为一个五星,得到UP的时间段也很多。 小玉面板. 成长属性:90级HP14259! ATK10546! 满级HP15621! …
Priestess of the Alien God | TYPE-MOON Wiki | Fandom
The Priestess of the Alien World (異星の巫女, Isei no Miko?, lit. "Priestess of Another Planet", localized as Foreign Priestess) is an unnamed woman who appears during the Cosmos in the Lostbelt scenario of Fate/Grand Order. The identity of the woman is unknown. Before Chaldea is attacked, she is...
【FGO】Super Miko Himiko【Fate/Grand Order】 - YouTube
T-pose to assert your Buster dominance#fgo
Miko of Mount Ibuki | Fate/Grand Order Wiki | Fandom
This Command Code can be obtained during the New Year Campaign 2025 Event. This Command Code features Ibuki Dōji.
画师一览/Mika Pikazo - Mooncell - 玩家共同构筑的FGO中文Wiki
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