Idle GPU use for FGU is very high after last update. - Fantasy …
Idle GPU use for FGU is very high after last update. If the application have the focus, it has normal usage, but alternating to another OS window, while still open, moves the GPU usage to …
/vsync setting not persistent? - Fantasy Grounds
I'm running FGU 4.1.15 on macOS. By default, even with an empty campaign and no extensions, sitting idle, FGU consumes about 35% of my CPU and my fans usually start getting noticeably …
How do I track down FGU CPU usage to troubleshoot performance?
I'm seeing FGU using 15-20% cpu on my 5900x (64gb ram, 6800xt) when I'm connected to the game & idle, which seems high. What's the best way to track down what FGU is doing to chew …
Optimizing Map and Image Management for Enhanced Gameplay …
2023年7月6日 · A seamless and immersive virtual tabletop (VTT) experience in Fantasy Grounds Unity (FGU) often depends on effective map and image management. This comprehensive …
2023年4月1日 · 切片通道层采用基于TDM时隙的FGU、 MTN Path和MTN Section技术,提供硬管道交叉连接能力。切片传送层用于提供IEEE 802.3-2018以太物 理层编解码和光传输媒介质处 …
SPN/MTN标准及其进展是什么情况? - 知乎专栏
小颗粒度MTN(fgMTN: fine granularity MTN)是基于中国移动系统性原创技术SPN/MTN的技术演进,其原理是以MTN段层为容器,重新定义帧结构fgBU,通过层次化机制与FlexE映射。 …
SPN小颗粒技术白皮书 - renrendoc.com
2022年7月25日 · SPN 小颗粒技术(FGU,Fine Granularity Unit)继承了 SPN 高效以太网内核,将细粒度切片技术融入 SPN 整体架构,提供了低成本、精细化、硬隔离的小颗粒承载管道 …
本研究旨在探究閒置校園空間運用於藝術園區之現況,將其作為創作空間之利用,並結合教育、觀光、產業發展之整體規劃。 研究方法與流程如圖1所示,首先收集閒置校園空間再利用之相關資料 …
toyota 8FGU25 - Design & Engineering discussion in ... - Forkliftaction
2018年3月3日 · I've seen many broken wire problems on these trucks. Check wiring near any connectors or around tight bends. On the accelerator pot you have 5 volts coming in. At idle, …
GPU maxing out with no tasks open in FGU – detailed investigation
2020年5月6日 · FGU maxes out the GPU while just sitting idle after starting a campaign. I‘m running FGU on a Surface Pro 7: Windows 10 Pro 1909 (latest build) Intel GPU Driver …