FHJ-18 AA - Call of Duty Wiki
The FHJ-18 AA is an anti-aircraft launcher featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Call of Duty: Mobile Guided shoulder-mounted rocket launcher that can lock-on to enemy vehicles and turrets.Description.
What is FHJ in COD Mobile - Sportskeeda
2020年7月17日 · FHJ-18 is a rocket launcher which can only fire at non-human targets like vehicles and scorestreaks. It is a secondary weapon which gets unlocked at 34 level. It has only two ammunitions. In one...
FHJ-18 (Launcher) - Call of Duty®: Mobile Database
Unlock Gold camo for all weapons in the game. Destroy 100 UAVs to unlock. Unlock Aether Crystal Camo for all primary weapons. Obtained by participating in the engagement events. Guided sholder-mounted rocket launcher.
Since people don't know that this thing exists, its called the FHJ, …
I keep two fhj loadouts on quick reserve, one with ghost for chopper gunner/vtol and one with cold blooded for stealth choppers. Mostly just because as posted above, teammates seem to think you can just run around and pretend scorestreaks (and snipers/heavy gunners on alleys) don't exist.
CODM Legendary FHJ-18 ALL Camos and Gameplay Showcase
2024年11月12日 · Drop into real Call of Duty® action with innovative FPS Battle Royale mobile gameplay, featuring Call of Duty®: Warzone™ style combat and weapons with real graphics. Explore iconic Battle Royale...
How To Use FHJ-18 in Call of Duty Mobile - Gamepur
2019年10月8日 · In this guide, we will briefly talk about the FHJ-18 and how to use it. The FHJ-18 is a rocket launcher you unlock when you level up in Call of Duty Mobile. The weapon is only able to fire at...
What’s the point of having SMRS when FHJ is way better?
2021年7月21日 · Well the FHJ should only have a “lock-on” feature, whereas the SMRS does not require it and can be used aggressively against players, not just vehicles. Unfortunately, the FHJ has been implemented in a way where it’s only flaw is absolutely gone.
Call of Duty Mobile a Perfect Guide for FHJ 18 - LDPlayer
2021年8月28日 · In Call of Duty: mobile, the FHJ-18 is available. It is a single-shot weapon belonging to the weapon class of launcher. FHJ 18 is unlocked at level 22, and it has a reloaded time of 5 seconds. Without having to lock, the FHJ-18 may now shoot. For scorestreaks, the lock-on characteristics are still available.
【CODM】无限火力和匹配被对面VTOL狂轰滥炸?试试防空利器毒刺吧!空中炮艇克星:FHJ …
空中炮艇克星:fhj-18毒刺击杀集锦共计3条视频,包括:[codm]无限火力还在被vtol血虐? 试试防空利器毒刺吧! FHJ-18击杀集锦、漏加的素材。
Tips for grinding Gold FHJ-18 as fast as possible. (Probably ... - Reddit
2020年9月5日 · For the Transform Shields I have 4 tips: -Only shoot at it with the FHJ when the Shield is visibly damaged-burnt. It can tank 2 FHJ rockets so don't bother using it until you know it will destroy it. Shoot at it with your main gun until you can see it's about to break. -The FHJ will only lock on to the front part of the Transform Shield.