Getting the last element of a split string array
Dec 25, 2015 · @MarioLevrero: That's a quantifier that means the same as the quantifier {1,}, i.e. [, ]+ matches one or more of the characters in the set (comma and space).
Git equivalents of most common Mercurial commands?
Feb 10, 2024 · I've been using Mercurial but would like to do a quick demo of Git. What are the Git equivalents of: hg init . # start a project in the current directory hg addremove # look for any added or deleted
MASM for 8086, symbol not defined: ffh - Stack Overflow
Mar 15, 2017 · adc takes previous value of CF to allow you to add arbitrary bits long numbers. If you do add for first group of bits (least significant/lowest), then you can continue adding remaining groups of higher bits using adc, which will use the CF of previous group, and set up CF for next group, thus the bit exceeding your "group" limit is not lost, but propagates further into higher …
Signing and encryption formats/specs for Windows PPKG …
Oct 27, 2021 · I am researching a possible project for building provisioning package files (.ppkg) files as created by the Windows Configuration Designer (see here for context). My goal is to build a C# assembly ...