带你了解瑞典的“FIKA”历史 - 知乎
Fika既是名词也是动词,字面意思是“喝咖啡”,更广泛的意思是“边喝咖啡,边吃甜点,边谈天。 Fika与瑞典式的社会生活密不可分。 它就像早饭一样必不可少,人们每天至少会来上一次,而且多少次都不为过。 它可以发生在一天中的任何时候,是人们在工作、生活中独自或与同事、朋友们以及社交对象们享受的一份快乐时光。 与打包带走的美式咖啡或站在前台喝的意式咖啡不同,瑞典人更喜欢坐下来慢慢享受。 一杯浓香的 瑞典咖啡 往往搭配当地特色的肉桂卷、豆蔻卷或巧克力 …
Fika (What does it mean and why is it so important in Swedish …
Fika is a concept, a state of mind, an attitude and an important part of Swedish culture. Many Swedes consider that it is almost essential to make time for fika every day. It means making time for friends and colleagues to share a cup of coffee (or tea) and a little something to eat. Fika cannot be experienced at your desk by yourself.
Coffee in Sweden - Wikipedia
Coffee was introduced to Sweden in the late 17th century, and today coffee plays a significant role in Swedish culture, characterised by Sweden ranking among the world's top coffee consumers per capita, [1] and a distinct tradition of coffee breaks known as Fika.
Fika – A Very Swedish Tradition – How to Fika Like a Swede
2016年6月16日 · Fika is a big part of every Swede’s everyday life. Basically, fika just means to hava a coffee. But it is so much more than just that. It has been described as a social institution or even phenomena. Swedish people – often described as distant, calm and unsocial – …
The Ultimate Guide to Swedish Fika (with Recipes)
2022年2月25日 · At its essence, the Swedish term "fika" means to take a break and enjoy a cup of coffee and possibly a delicious baked good to go with it. But to simply call it a coffee break as we understand that term in English would be missing the point. Fika is meant to be a sacred pause in the day, an opportunity to refuel, rest and reconnect.
Fika like a Swede – 5 Swedish fika classics to try | Visit Sweden
2023年2月24日 · These five fika classics are a good start: Sweden’s national cake – if there were such a thing officially – is the princess cake ('prinsesstårta'). This globe-shaped layer cake is a …
What Is Fika? A Guide to the Swedish Coffee Break - AFAR
2021年2月8日 · Fika is a social affair: the best sort of coffee afternoon at home, where conversation rambles and there is no agenda, or a morning break with coworkers in an office. At many workplaces in Sweden, these fika breaks, called fikarast or fikapaus, are even built into the daily calendar as an activity, reports Matthias Kamann in How to Be Swedish.
What is Swedish Fika: The Art of Connection - SwedenExpat
2025年2月13日 · Fika is a powerful social connector, bridging gaps at work, strengthening family bonds, and fostering friendships. There are unspoken rules of Fika etiquette, including punctuality, participation, and respect for dietary preferences.
The Swedish Art of Fika: Coffee, Cake & Catch-ups - Nordic …
2022年12月22日 · Fika is a typical Swedish tradition where you take time out of your day to pause and enjoy a hot drink and a snack. But it’s not just about savouring a good cup of kaffi (the Swedish word for coffee). Fika is a ritual that’s important in Swedish culture, giving yourself a moment to have a break and socialise. What does fika mean?
Fika – Wikipedia
Fika är en svensk samhällsinstitution som innebär en avkopplande paus i kombination med intagande av kaffe, te eller annan dryck och ibland kaffebröd, smörgåsar eller något annat ätbart i mindre storlek. En fika kan äga rum på exempelvis ett kafé eller konditori, på arbetsplatsen, som kyrkkaffe, i hemmet och även utomhus.