Fiat CM6614 - Wikipedia
The Fiat CM6614 is a 4x4 wheeled armoured personnel carrier developed as a joint venture between Fiat and Oto Melara of Italy. The hull is welded steel, and the vehicle is amphibious. …
菲亚特6616 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
菲亚特6616 是一种轻装甲车辆,从七十年代,由 菲亚特6614 运兵车(APC)改进而来。 与 APC 不同,它是为满足国家需要而生产的。 其中有52辆分配给宪兵机动营的装甲排,而秘鲁军队 …
Fiat 6616 light wheeled IFV (1972) - tank-afv.com
Production of the FIAT-Otobreda Type 6616 armoured car reached according to crossed sources, to 300 vehicles built. The manufacturer had facilities at Bolzano which later became the …
AUBL 菲亚特6616的介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
6616是完全可以两栖的,由轮子在水中推进,速度5 公里/小时。 它在车体安装了四个舱底泵,每个泵的流量是每分钟180升,并且可以对浸入水中的机械部件加压。
Type 6616 - Army Guide
Production of the FIAT - Otobreda Type 6616 armoured car has been completed with 300 vehicles built. Production of the vehicle was undertaken in the FIAT (later IVECO Defence …
意大利菲亚特-奥托·梅拉拉6616型侦察车是菲亚特(FIAT)和奥托·梅拉拉(OTO Melara)两家公司联合研制,由菲亚特的伯尔扎努(Bolzano)工厂进行总装和试验,样车于1972年完成。
Fiat 6616 - Wikipedia
La FIAT Tipo 6616 è un' autoblindo leggera degli anni settanta, sviluppata sulla meccanica del veicolo trasporto truppe (APC) Fiat 6614. Essa è stata prodotta per esigenze nazionali, a …
菲亞特6616 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
菲亞特6616 是一種輕裝甲車輛,從七十年代,由 菲亞特6614 運兵車(APC)改進而來。 與 APC 不同,它是為滿足國家需要而生產的。 其中有52輛分配給憲兵機動營的裝甲排,而秘魯軍隊 …
Fiat 6616 : Italy (ITA)
The tower is designed for a crew of two and is motor driven. The armament of the turret consists of a 20mm gun from Rheinmetall (model MK 20 Rh 202), which has an aiming range of -5° to …
意大利 FIAT 6616型 装甲车 - 360doc.com
2022年3月7日 · 菲亚特(FIAT)6616型轮式装甲侦察车是菲亚特和奥托梅莱拉(OTO Melara)联合开发的,与6616型轮式装甲运兵车有许多共同的部件,但是,它的武器装备不足,为此, …